Workshop on Status and Trends A basis for international policy 8–10 May 2006 Edited by |
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ISBN 978-92-5-105818-3
ISSN 1813-3940
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Bartley, D.M.; Harvey, B.J.; Pullin, R.S.V.(eds). ABSTRACT This document contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Status and Trends in
Aquatic Genetic Resources: a Basis for International Policy, convened in Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada, from 8 to 10 May 2006. Experts in the fields of aquaculture,
biotechnology, fishery genetics, international development and international policy
contributed scholarly reviews on the status of aquatic genetic resources and trends in
their conservation and use in capture fisheries and aquaculture, and identified key policy
issues, priorities and implications for the international development community, FAO
and the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. |
©FAO 2007
3.1 Special characteristics of FiGR and the aquatic environment4. Conclusions and recommendations of the workshop
3.2 Drivers influencing management of FiGR
3.3 Issues influencing management of FiGR
3.4 FiGR information sources and needs
4.1 Assess the status of FiGRAnnex 1 - Agenda (Download 62 kb)
4.2 Identify and fill regional capacity needs
4.3 Improve facilities for characterizing FiGR
4.4 Improve awareness of FiGR
4.5 Assess existing policy instruments
4.6 Explore the twinning of aquaculture operations and conservation
Developing policies for the management of fishery (Download 189 kb)BACK COVER (Download 412 kb)
genetic resources
D.M. Bartley and A. Toledo
Status and trends in genetic resources of capture fisheries (Download 873 kb)
W.S. Grant
Issues, status and trends in deep-sea fishery genetic resources (Download 266 kb)
P.J. Smith
Genetic resources for aquaculture: status and trends (Download 464 kb)
R.S.V. Pullin
Fish genomics and analytical genetic technologies, with (Download 560 kb)
examples of their potential applications in management
of fish genetic resources
Z. Liu