Workshop on Status and Trends
in Aquatic Genetic Resources

A basis for international policy

8–10 May 2006
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Edited by

Devin M. Bartley
Senior Fishery Resources Officer
Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
Rome, Italy

Brian J. Harvey
World Fisheries Trust
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Roger S.V. Pullin
FAO Consultant
Manila, Philippines

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Rome, 2007

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Table of Contents

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ISBN 978-92-5-105818-3
ISSN 1813-3940

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Bartley, D.M.; Harvey, B.J.; Pullin, R.S.V.(eds).
Workshop on Status and Trends in Aquatic Genetic Resources: a Basis for International Policy. 8–10 May 2006, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
FAO Fisheries Proceedings. No. 5. Rome, FAO. 2007. 179p.


This document contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Status and Trends in Aquatic Genetic Resources: a Basis for International Policy, convened in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, from 8 to 10 May 2006. Experts in the fields of aquaculture, biotechnology, fishery genetics, international development and international policy contributed scholarly reviews on the status of aquatic genetic resources and trends in their conservation and use in capture fisheries and aquaculture, and identified key policy issues, priorities and implications for the international development community, FAO and the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Fish genetic resources (FiGR) comprise all finfish and aquatic invertebrate genetic material that has actual or potential value for capture fisheries and aquaculture. In capture fisheries, both inland and marine, more species are becoming endangered and more stocks overexploited. Management of FiGR can help maintain and rebuild these fisheries. Deep-sea fisheries and modern genetic technologies are emerging areas that require attention. Aquaculture is expanding rapidly and now accounts for about 50 percent of the aquatic foods that are directly consumed by humans. Although genetic resources and technologies are playing a part in this expansion, they have not yet been used to extents comparable to their use in agriculture.
There is an urgent need to develop international policies for FiGR, and the breadth and complexity of capture fisheries and aquaculture present significant challenges to this process. However, the status and trends of FiGR use and conservation need to be assessed as a basis for sound policies. The workshop identified areas where further work is needed and the major activities that will be important to develop.
Information on FiGR was identified as a key issue. At present, it is incomplete, scattered and unstandardized. For wide use, information on FiGR should be global, authoritative, free and objective.
Although tremendous progress has been made in the genetic improvement, genetic stock identification and genomics of aquatic species, much further work is needed:
• to assess the status of FiGR in capture fisheries and aquaculture;
• to improve the capacities of scientists, technical persons, governments and industry;
• to improve facilities for characterizing FiGR;
• to develop genetically improved farmed types of aquatic species;
• to develop appropriate policy instruments on use and conservation of FiGR;
• to improve general awareness and levels of knowledge about FiGR; and
• to prioritize species, geographic areas and production systems on which to expend resources for conservation and use of FiGR.

©FAO 2007


Preparation of this document   (Download pdf 897 kb)

1. Summary of the workshop  (Download 1-2-3-4 pdf 228 kb)

2. Background of the workshop

3. Report of the workshop
3.1  Special characteristics of FiGR and the aquatic environment
3.2  Drivers influencing management of FiGR
3.3  Issues influencing management of FiGR
3.4  FiGR information sources and needs
4.  Conclusions and recommendations of the workshop
4.1  Assess the status of FiGR
4.2  Identify and fill regional capacity needs
4.3  Improve facilities for characterizing FiGR
4.4  Improve awareness of FiGR
4.5  Assess existing policy instruments
4.6  Explore the twinning of aquaculture operations and conservation
Annex 1 -  Agenda  (Download pdf 62 kb)

Annex 2 -  List of participants  (Download pdf 46 kb)

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS  (Download Full section pdf 1,840 kb)

Developing policies for the management of fishery (Download pdf 189 kb)
genetic resources
D.M. Bartley and A. Toledo

Status and trends in genetic resources of capture fisheries (Download pdf 873 kb)
W.S. Grant

Issues, status and trends in deep-sea fishery genetic resources (Download pdf 266 kb)
P.J. Smith

Genetic resources for aquaculture: status and trends (Download pdf 464 kb)
R.S.V. Pullin

Fish genomics and analytical genetic technologies, with  (Download pdf 560 kb)
examples of their potential applications in management
of fish genetic resources

Z. Liu
BACK COVER (Download pdf 412 kb)

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