Ten Years of Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa
(Origin, Evolution and Lessons Learned)

Table of Contents

Technical Report N° 50

Satia, B.P.,
IDAF Coordinator

Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa
37p, IDAF/WP/50

Cotonou, November 1993

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1. Scope and context of the report

1.1 Objective
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Characteristics of sites chosen for case studies
2. The origin of the concept for small scale fisheries development
2.1 Neglected and misplaced policies and their consequences
2.2 Early attempts to revamp small-scale fisheries development
2.3 Birth of Community Fishery Centre Concept
2.4 Original concept of integrated strategy in small-scale fisheries
3. Applications of the integrated strategy
3.1 The Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa

3.2 Sites where strategy has been tried
3.3 Activities and Outputs
3.3.1 Establish and/or Strengthen Local Institutional Framework Structures
· Setting up of Fisheries Development Units
· Setting up of local institutional structures for participation/management structures
· Establishment of User Groups in Fishing Communities
3.3.2 Promotion of Vertical and Horizontal Activities
· Vertical Integration Activities
· Horizontal Integration Activities
3.3.3 Community Involvement in the Development Process
3.3.4 The Mix of Vertical and Horizontal Activities
3.3.5 Factors contributing to success, failure or sustainability of activities
4. Socio-economic implications and impact of the integrated strategy on fishing communities

5. Main lessons learned

6. Conclusions

7. Epilogue - Looking Ahead

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Bibliography I - Literature cited
Bibliography II - Some Impact Studies and Analysis on the Integrated Approach in the IDAF region

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