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FAO Fisheries Report No. 628 Report of the
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ISBN 92-5-104536-4
ISSN 0429-9337
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© FAO 2000
FAO/Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. This document assembles the reports on the marine shrimp and groundfish fisheries of northern Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and eastern Venezuela prepared for and during the third Workshop on the Assessment of Shrimp and Groundfish Fisheries on the Brazil-Guianas Shelf, held in Belém, Brazil, from 24 May to 10 June 1999. Section 2 includes papers dealing with overviews of important shrimp and groundfish resources and their fisheries. Section 3 deals with fisheries management practices in the area in the context of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Sections 4 and 5 contain papers on stock assessment methodology applicable in the region. Sections 6 to 18 deal with national or sub-regional assessments of selected shrimp and groundfish fisheries. Section 17 also deals with the bio-economics of shrimp fisheries in general and in particular with seasonality, risk and uncertainty. Section 19 is a report of a task group on snapper fisheries of the Brazil-Guianas Shelf, it includes a discussion on future management measures. Section 20 contains a report on a meeting where the results of assessments were presented to the fisheries managers and recommendations were drafted for follow-up activities. The names and addresses of the various authors can be obtained from the section headings and the list of participants in Section 22. There is an extensive list of references in Section 21. |
2.1 Brazil
2.2 French Guiana
2.3 Suriname
2.4 Guyana
2.5 Venezuela
2.6 Trinidad and Tobago
2.7 Jamaica
3.1 Legal framework
3.2 Regional Cooperation
3.3 Precautionary approach to fisheries
3.4 National fisheries legislation
3.5 Institutional structure
3.6 Current management goals
3.7 Fishery management issues
3.8 Current management regulations
3.9 Regional approach to management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The development of a multispecies-multifishery per-recruit model
5.3 Calculation of biological reference points
5.4 Incorporating variability into the assessment framework
6.1 Description of the fisheries
6.2 Trends in catch and effort
6.3 Population dynamics and stock assessment
6.4 Stock assessments
6.5 Management
6.6 Research programme
7.1 Background
8.1 The fishery
8.2 Data and biological inputs
8.3 Assessments
8.4 General comments on quality of assessment
8.5 Management considerations
8.6 Conclusions
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Data and biological inputs
9.3 Assessments
9.4 Stock - recruitment and yield per recruit
9.5 Discussion and management considerations
10.1 General background
10.2 Collection of data for stock assessment
10.3 Shrimp fishery
10.4 Seabob Fishery
10.5 Finfish fisheries
11.1 Background
11.2 Distribution of the species
11.3 Biological data
11.4 Catch and effort data
11.5 Stock assessment methods
11.6 Results and discussion
11.7 Conclusions
11.8 Recommendations
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Biology
12.3 Data used for the assessment
12.4 Estimation of L and K parameters
12.5 Gear selectivity
12.6 Catch Curve Analysis (Ehrhardt and Legault 1996)
12.7 Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) trends
12.8 Multifishery-multispecies per-recruit modelling (Booth 1999)
12.9 Discussion
12.10 Conclusion
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Data
13.3 Stock assessment methods
13.4 Results and discussion
13.5 Conclusion
14.1 Background
14.2 Data sets
14.3 Biomass dynamics stock assessment
14.4 Yield per recruit stock assessment
14.5 Discussion
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Data
15.3 Methods
15.4 Results
15.5 Discussion
15.6 Conclusions and recommendations
16.1 Summary
16.2 Introduction
16.3 Methods
16.4 Results
16.5 Discussion
17.1 Introduction
17.2 The precautionary approach to shrimp fisheries management: dealing with risk and uncertainty
17.3 Decision tables with and without mathematical probabilities
17.4 Bayesian criterion
17.5 Decision criteria without mathematical probabilities
17.6 Bio-economic model for a multi-species multi-fleet shrimp fishery
18.1 Description of the Trinidad and Tobago fishery
18.2 Description of the Venezuela fishery
18.3 Methods
18.4 Results
18.5 Conclusions
18.6 Recommendations for future research