An International Review of Forestry and Forest Products
FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - grew out of a United Nations Conference held at Hot Springs, Virginia, U.S.A., in May 1943. The nations agreed to work together to secure a lasting peace through freedom from want. The Organization was formally founded at Quebec, Canada, in October 1945. It was located at Washington D.C. until 1951 when the Headquarters office was moved to Rome.
Unasylva is prepared by the Forestry and Forest Products Division, directed by Mr. Egon Glesinger and published every quarter in English, French and Spanish. It attempts to cover a range of interest as wide as that of the Forestry Division whose work it mirrors. Signed articles express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Organization. All material in Unasylva may be freely reprinted, but acknowledgment is requested, together with a copy of the publication containing the reprint.
Cover Photograph. Timber operations in the tropical forests of West Africa. Every log is given an identification number before being evacuated to the river. This enables its progress to be recorded up to the time of its conversion in the mills or its export overseas as a log.
Courtesy, United Africa Company Limited
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D. H. Buckle
Timber operations
in West Africa
Aldo Pavari
Forest influences
Norberto Sanchez Mejorada and Louis Huguet
Conifers of Mexico
M. A. Huberman
Bamboo silviculture
Sawn softwood
Staff changes
Latin-American forestry commission
Near east forestry commission
Technical meetings
Timber committee of ECE