FAO Fisheries Reports, No. 192FID/R192(En)

Report of the FAO/OIE Government Consultation on an International Convention
for the Control of the Spread of Major Communicable Fish Diseases

OIE Headquarters, Paris (France) 25–28 January 1977

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ISBN 92-5-100275-4

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This is the final version of the report as approved by the Government Consultation on an International Convention for the Control of the Spread of Major Communicable Fish Diseases.

Distribution:Bibliographic Entry:
Members Nations concerned
FAO/OIE Government Consultation on an International Convention for the Control of the Spread of Major Communicable Fish Diseases, OIE Headquarters, Paris (France), 25–28 January 1977 (1977)
FAO Department of Fisheries
FAO Regional Fishery Officers
FAO Fish.Rep., (192):44 p.
Control of the spread of major communicable fish diseases. Report of the .....
Conferences-Paris(France). Reports. Diseases. Disease control. International agreements.

Rome, 1977 © FAO

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Convening of the Consultation

The opening of the Consultation

Adoption of the Agenda

Election of Officers

Draft International Convention for the Control of the Spread of Major Communicable Fish Diseases

Revised text of the Draft Convention :

ARTICLE 1 - Definitions

2 - Basic Obligations

3 - International Traffic in Fish and Fish Eggs

4 - International Fish Health Certificates

5 - Certifying Authorities

6 - Secretariat

7 - Meetings of Contracting Parties

8 - Scientific Advisory Committee

9 - Financial Provisions

10 - Reports by the Contracting Parties

11 - International Cooperation in Fish Disease Control

12 - [Settlement of Disputes]

13 - Signature, Ratification, Acceptance, Approval and Accession

14 - Entry into Force

15 - Amendments to the Convention and Annexes

16 - Withdrawal

17 - Responsibilities of the Depositary

Institutional Aspects

Technical Annexes

- Amended Technical Annexes

Annex I   List of species covered by the Convention

Annex II   Certificate 1

Certificate 2

Certificate 3

Certificate 4

Annex III   General Instructions

Section 1.   Introduction

2.   Classification of fish culture establishments - Tables 1 and 2

3.   Instructions for the issue of health certificates

4.   Certification procedures for salmonid fish and eggs

5.   Certification procedures for cyprinid fish and eggs

6.   Notes on inspections - Table 3

7.   Sampling

8.   Histology

9.   Procedures for isolation and identification of pathogens

10.   Serological identification of viruses

11.   Procedures for the detection of Myxosomiasis

12.   Procedures for the identification of Furunculosis

13.   Procedure for the disinfection of eyed eggs of cultivated fish of the family Salmonidae

14.   Procedures for the disinfection of tanks and other containers used in the transportation of live fish

15.   Procedures for the disinfection of tanks and other containers used in the transportation of fish eggs

16.   Recommended procedures for the disinfection of fish culture establishments

Annex IV   List of fish diseases covered by the Convention

International Zoo-sanitary Code

Future Action - Specific recommendations

Closing of the Consultation

APPENDIXES A - List of Participants

B - Agenda

C - List of Documents