MedStat 2011 - Fishing Vessel Census<br>
Operational Manual

MedFisis Technical Document

MedStat 2011 - Fishing Vessel Census
Operational Manual

Salvatore Coppola
Alicia Mosteiro
Matthew Camilleri


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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2011


Coppola, S.; Mosteiro, A. and Camilleri, M.
2011. MedStat 2011 - Fishing Vessel Census; Operational Manual.
GCP/INT/918/EC/MedFisis - MedFisis Technical Document, 39 pp.

The FAO programme MedStat developed within the activities of the MedFisis project provides a methodical approach to the challenge being faced by a country which is planning to undertake a National Fishing Fleet Census. The present document is part of a series of documents providing guidance  on the implementation of a Fishing Fleet Census. Precisely, it describes the roles and tasks of the National Coordination Team, Supervisors and Field Recorders and provides guidelines on the management of the fleet survey, including budgeting, team structure, supervision, data quality control and practical aspects in conducting the survey. In addition, it provides detailed instructions on field work preparation, interviewing techniques and information recording practices. Furthermore, the document addresses the importance of the development and management of a dedicated database, in which the data collected is stored and processed, together with the key features and facilities required for statistical purposes and data management routines.


About this document
Objectives of a Census

Section 1 – The National Coordination team


Main tasks of the National Coordination Team
Major individual roles
Main tasks of the National Coordination team as a whole


General planning of the survey
Selection of Steering Committee members
Launching the census exercise
Giving instructions on methodology
Implementation of the pilot survey
Budget estimates and allocation
General Supervision
Organisation of data entry, processing and analysis
Link with Ministry Survey results


Survey evaluation and system consolidation


Statistical system design
Implementation and lessons learned
Data processing and tabulation
Survey consolidation

Section 2 – The Supervisors


Role of Local Supervisors
Technical preparation
The survey


Logistics Recruitment of Recorders
Training of Recorders
Workload Data collection
Supervision of the Recorders' work
Data screening

Section 3 – The Field Recorders


Preparation for the survey
The survey


General advice to Recorders
On arrival at a landing place
Port / landing place questionnaire
Interviewing rules
Development of the interview with fishermen


Compiling the MedStat census questionnaire


The heading
The Fields
Fishing Vessel Characteristics
Structural Characteristics
Fishing Authorisation
Deck Machinery
Ownership Crew
Port of operation (previous year)
Fishing operation (previous year)
Pollution prevention
General remarks
Synthesis of collected information

Appendix 1: Port/Landing Place (Infrastructures) Questionnaire
Appendix 2: Recorder Check List
Appendix 3: Terms of reference


Experts in Census Surveys
Experts in catch and effort surveys



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ISBN 978-92-5-107079-6

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