EIFAC Symposium on Interactions Between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture

EIFAC Occasional Paper No 44. SEC/EIFAC/OP44 (En)

Proceedings of the


Antalya, Turkey, 21-24 May 2008

Rome, 2010

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The symposium on Interactions between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, was organized in conjunction with the Twenty-Fifth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) in Antalya, Turkey, from 21 to 24 May 2008.

The symposium objectives were:

  1. To review the wide range of socio-economic and ecological interactions between fi sheries and aquaculture and the roles of various stakeholders with respect to these interactions.
  2. To identify where future research should focus and propose measures to decrease interactions that compromise sustainable development and management, and promote interactions that contribute to sustainability.
  3. To provide information to policy and decision makers to contribute to the general awareness of trends in socio-economic and ecological interactions within and between the sector and other rural sectors.
  4. To facilitate dialogue between scientists, researchers, fi sherfolk, aquaculturists and policy and decision makers on the motives, interactions and interests of stakeholders.
  5. To advise EIFAC on appropriate management and development measures and tools for inland fisheries and aquaculture in Europe.

This Occasional Paper, in conjunction with a special issue of Fisheries Management and Ecology, represents the proceedings of the symposium. The Report of the symposium was published in 2008 as EIFAC FAO Fisheries and Aqauculture Report No. 871. The symposium made considerable progress towards understanding the interactions between ecological/environmental and socio-economic/governance objectives for fi sheries and aquaculture. There was a broad recognition that inland fi sheries and aquaculture need to shift from a sectoral view where they are treated in isolation to an integrated, multi-disciplinary systems view.


PART 1  (download - 823 kb)

Professor Ibrahim Okumus

Social, economic and ecological objectives of inland commercial and recreational fand aquaculture
I.G. Cowx & R. Van Anrooy

Effluent treatment concepts for trout aquaculture in dependence on production intensity
P.-D. Sindilariu, R.Reiter & H. Wedekind

Management strategies to protect and restore sturgeon biodiversity in Bulgaria
T. Hubenova, E. Uzunova & A. Zaikov

Ecological status of inland waters of Mugla
M. Barlas, F. Yilmaz, B. Yorulmaz & H. Kalyoncu

Preliminary study on the status of sturgeon populations (Acipenser sp) in the South Eastern Black Sea Coast (K?z?l?rmak-Yesil?rmak Basin) in the early 21st century
M Zengin, S. U. Tiril, M. Dagtekin, M. Gül & H. Eryildirim

Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque) – pest or possibility
Cvijanovic, M. Lenhardt, A. Hegediš, Z. Gacic & I. Jaric

Diet of great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in the Special Reserve of Nation "Stari Begej – Carska bara", northern Serbia
S. Skoric, Z. Višnjic-Jeftic, A. Hegediš, Z. Gacic, M. Lenhardt, V. Djikanovic, V. Poleksic & B. Raškovic

Fishing activities and pollution risk in the Köycegiz Lagoon System
B. Yorulmaz, M. Barlas, F. Yilmaz & N. Özdemír

PART 2  (download - 637 kb)

Investigations on the fishing of the exotic Pacific mullet (Mugil so-iuy) caught on the Black Sea Coast
M. Zengin & S. V. Yerli

The effect of dissolved oxygen on sediment-water phosphorus exchange in Mogan Lake
A. Topçu &, S. Pulatsü

Gillnet selectivity for pike, Esox lucius, in Lake Karam?k, Turkey
I. Balik

Ichthyofauna of the Çobanlar Stream (Samsun, Turkey)
N. Polat, S. Ugurlu & S. Kandemír

Lessons available from anglers´ records: Case study of the Brno reservoir (Czech Republic)
Z. Adámek & P. Jurajda

The economic value of recreational fishing: an example of a Hungarian multifunctional pond fish farm
G. Gyalog, E. Békefi & L. Váradi

Sociological analysis of sustainable fisheries management of the endemic pearl mullet in the fishing villages of Lake Van, Turkey
H. Nalçaoglu & M. Sari

Socio-economic potential of angling native trout in Turkey
T. Ersal, B. Kalaç, & T. Sanalan

PART 3  (download - 1,410 kb)

Socio-economic analysis and marketing patterns of the fish farming industry in Trabzon, Turkey
M. Dagtekin, O. Ak & F. Emeksíz

Interactions between conservation, economic and social objectives of sturgeon culture in Russia: problems and possibilities of optimization
M. Chebanov & E. Galich

Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic trout
M. Disegna, C. Mauracher & I. Procidano

Use of narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Esch.) in recreational and commercial fisheries and aquaculture in Bulgaria
A. Zaikov, T. Hubenova & P. Vasileva

The role of women in fisheries and aquaculture in Turkey
A. Ç. K. Benlí, A. Velioglu & R. Celebi

Conflict of interests between commercial and recreational fishing in Annecy Lake (France)
C. Sebi & D. Gerdeaux

Fisheries management in Turkish lagoons
H. Deniz & R. Celebi

The state of inland fishing in Lithuania
V. Kesminas & G. Svecevicius
Recovery programmes for endangered freshwater fish in Flanders, Belgium
A. Dillen & K. Vlietinck

The impact of the new EU fish health regime arising from Directive 2006/88/EC on ecological interactions of aquatic animals in Europe
E.B. Hudson

Optimization of freshwater fisheries in Russia
S. Brazhnik & Y. Sechin

PART 4  (download - 602 kb)

Salmonids of the Neretva river basin - present state and suggested sustainable selection programme to protect and strengthen the populations
S. Muhamedagic, H.M. Gjoen & M. Vegra

The contribution of Akgöl and Paradeniz Lagoons for fisheries in Göksu Delta (Turkey)
A.Velioglu, R. Celebi & A. Ç. K. Benlí

Abstracts for unpublished papers or papers published in Fisheries Management and Ecology