TCP/IRA/6755 (T)
Field Document 1
November 1987
14 August-2 September 1987


T E C H N I C A L   C O O P E R A T I O N   P R O G R A M M E

A report prepared for the project
Training Course in Coldwater Fisheries

based on the work of

Zoltan L. Krasznai

This report was prepared during the course of the project identified on the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given in the report are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the project.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations or the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers.

Rome, 1987

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2.1 Kelardasht fish farm and training centre

2.2 Marzan-Ghezal private fish farm (near Marzan town)

2.3 Bazras private fish farm (Gilan Province near Ramzar town)

2.4 Sad-e-Sangar (Dr. Beheshti) fish farm (27 km from Rasht, Gilan Province)

2.5 Siahkal farm (8 km from Dr. Beheshti farm)

2.6 Sefid Rud fish farm (Gilan Province)

2.7 Hogzi-Arab rainbow trout farm (Isfahan Province)

2.8 Sardab fish farm (near Rostam-Abad, Chaharmahal Province)

2.9 Dimeh rainbow trout farm (Chaharmahal Province)

2.10 Esfahan irrigation project (Esfahan Province)

2.11 Esfahan fish farm and propagation centre (in Esfahan)

2.12 Steel factory mine ponds (Esfahan Province)

2.13 Yagendasht rainbow trout farm of the 1 & 1 Company (Fars Province)

2.14 Gagengan private rainbow trout farm (Shiraz Province)

2.15 Yasouj rainbow trout propagation and rearing centre (Shiraz Province)

2.16 Younnes private rainbow trout farm (near Sarab-Taveh village, Shiraz Province)


Map 1 - Location of Places Visited

Annex A: Itinerary

Annex B: Persons Met

Annex C: Draft Project Document


During the recent years, coldwater fisheries in Iran has undergone a rapid development, with numerous hatcheries/farms, both government and private, being constructed. This has not been without difficulties, the major one being shortage of trained manpower. As a result, the coldwater fish production on the farms has been uneven, with some farms showing poor results. The mean coldwater fish production in Iran is still low, with some 1 750 t currently being produced from 60 ha of the licensed 20 farms. An additional 1 000 t of trout is estimated to be produced on non-licensed farms.

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran requested FAO to provide a Consultant to assess the current situation and to identify the problems arising from the rapid development of coldwater fisheries in Iran. FAO assigned Dr. Z. L. Krasznai as Consultant in coldwater fish culture for the period 10 August - 2 September 1987, with the following terms of reference:

During the briefing of the consultant in Tehran, the need for trained personnel (senior experts and technicians) was pointed out by the Deputy Minister of Fisheries. He also requested the consultant to comment on the coldwater fisheries of Iran and scientific cooperation with different institutions, besides the main disciplines of the mission.

The consultant visited a number of institutions, farms, and training centres, and acquainted himself with problems currently facing the coldwater fisheries of Iran. For itinerary and persons met, see Annexes A and B.


2.1 Kelardasht fish farm and training centre

Manager: Mr. Javid Akbary
Hatchery Manager: Mr. Mohsen Miar
Laboratory Manager: Dr. Saidi Ali-Askar
Fisheries Expert: Mr. Khoddadi Ali-Akbar

The farm was established in 1972 with the assistance of the Soviet Union. The production and research activities on the farm started in 1976. The Kelardasht coldwater fish farm has a production capacity of 100 000 Caspian salmon fingerlings of 15–20 g weight, but this has never been achieved. 2 500 000 rainbow trout fingerlings of 2 g average individual weight are produced on the farm annually; of these, 1 500 000 are sold for an average price of 20 Rials/fish and 1 000 000 fish are released into the natural waters. There is no monitoring of the released fish, therefore no data are available on the effectiveness of the stocking. Stock assessment studies are urgently required on such waters.

The fixed government prices of the rainbow trout are as follows:

Weight (grams):1235
Age (days):30456075
Price (Rials):20222430

Because the selling prices do not follow the cost of production, the farms are not interested to produce bigger fingerling than 1–2 g. For rearing breeders the farm keeps a few thousand rainbow fingerlings which are fed with imported EWOS pellets, up to 10 g weight. The food conversion rate is 1:2. Above this size the fish are fed with the following moist feed freshly made on the farm:

Wheat meal4.6
Soya meal6.3
Protein and lipid concentrate7.7
Rice bran2.1
Meat and bone meal2.1
Vitamin complex1.5

Caspian salmon diet used at Kelardasht farm consistes of:

Wheat meal6.8
Soya meal9.5
Meat and bone meal2.7
Protein and lipid concentrate11.0
Vitamin complex0.8

The food conversion rate for these diets were not calculated. The proper prices of these diets are unknown, but it is estimated to be between 100 to 120 Rials/kg, (exchange rate in August 1987: 71 Rials = US $1.00).

On the farm there are 6 concrete canals for the breeders with a water surface of 27 m2 each, 16 cement tanks of 1.6 × 1.6 m, and 108 cement tanks of 2.5 × 2.5 m for nursing the larvae and fingerlings. The total useful water surface area on the farm is 880 m2.

Training courses are regularly organized on the farm for technicians and medium level fishermen. The Centre has a fairly well equipped laboratory and basic chemicals for routine examinations. There is also a lecture room suitable for training 25–30 persons. The library of the Centre was found to be inadequate, and there is a need for updating the book collection. The FAO Fisheries Department should assist in providing publications on fisheries, water quality, mechanization, economy of fish culture, etc.

The farm gets water from two different sources. There is a spring with excellent water quality, from which the water is used for the hatchery. For the production ponds the water is taken from a creek. A sand filter system on the farm is currently not working. The farm personnel consists of one Ph.D. expert, three with M.Sc. degree, four technicians and thirty workers. The capacity of the farm is not fully utilized and the consultant, in discussions with the leaders of the Centre, suggested a number of improvements.

The Kelardasht Fish Farm and Training Centre is the most suitable place for the proposed training course on coldwater fish culture in Iran. A good standard accommodation for the trainees as well as for the invited consultants/lecturers can be provided on the farm. The laboratory and production units are suitable for practical training.

2.2 Marzan-Ghezal private fish farm (near Marzan town)

The farm, under construction, is about 80% completed. The planned capacity of the farm is 20 t of market size rainbow trout per year, with possible extension to 20 t/yr. Two creeks supply water to this farm. The minimum water temperature is 5°C, and the maximum is 18°C. On the farm there are 10 concrete canals of 1.0 × 10.0 × 0.6 m for larvae rearing (up to 2.5 g individual weight), 6 cement/concrete ponds of 3.5 × 27.0 × 1.2 m size for rearing of small fingerlings (from 2.5 g to 40.0 g weight), and 5 concrete ponds of 5.0 × 50.0 × 1.2 m for market fish production (from 40 g to 200 g). The total construction cost including storage room, laboratory, and utility room is estimated to be approximately 2.5 million Rials. The farm will probably be completed in April 1988.

2.3 Bazras private fish farm (Gilan Province near Ramzar town)

Owner: Mr. Nusa Ibrahimian.

The farm is located at 1 250 m altitude in the Elburz mountains. The water, with a maximum temperature of 17°C is supplied to the farm by a creek. There are 7 concrete ponds of 18.5 × 6.0 × 1.2 m size. The planned capacity of the farm is about 5 t/yr; the production in 1986 was 4 t. Fingerlings with an average individual weight of 1.5 g are supplied by the Kelardasht fish farm. The fish are fed with locally produced moist diet. There are no hygienic nor nutritional difficulties on the farm, and the production is economical. The only difficulty is the poor road access which sometimes causes delay in the supply of food ingredients.

2.4 Sad-e-Sangar (Dr. Beheshti) fish farm (27 km from Rasht, Gilan Province)

Director:Mr. Ebrahim Rastigar
Hatchery Manager:Mr. Hadzy Saber Zaemmian
Laboratory Manager:Mr. Yaghoub Vahabi

The farm formerly was a sturgeon propagation unit, which was extended for the propagation of common and Chinese carps and kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum). Later with the help of FAO, several training courses were organized at this farm. The farm is well equipped and the staff well trained. Many of them had completed post-graduate training courses abroad (India, Hungary, etc.). There are 36 fish rearing ponds of 2 ha each and a 4 ha reservoir on the farm. Though there is not a good library on the farm, the basic books of warmwater fish culture, translated into Farsi, are available.

2.5 Siahkal farm (8 km from Dr. Beheshti Farm)

This farm is the propagation and rearing centre for kutum. There are 34 ponds (4 ha each) and two reservoirs (4.5 ha each) on the farm. There are two different water supplies: from March to August a creek supplies the water from snow-melting (2 m3/sec), while from September to April four pumps (250 1/sec each) provide water from a canal connected to the Sefid River. The total investment cost of the farm was about 2 000 million Rials so far: construction work on the farm still continues.

2.6 Sefid Rud fish farm (Gilan Province)

Director of the complex:Mohammad Ali Shambo
Assistant Director:Mohammad Anjouy
Assistant Director:Mahmood Davazdah Enami
Fisheries Manager:Mehdi Yousefian

This farm integrates agriculture, fish, dairy and poultry farming. The fisheries component of the farm consists of 1 000 ha, from which 800 ha are used for market fish production and the remaining 200 ha for keeping the breeders and nursing larvae. The farm has a Rumanian type of hatchery, with a total capacity of 40 million larve. In 1986, the following quantities of fingerling were produced: 30 million silver carp, 30 million common carp, and 10 million grass carp.

2.7 Hogzi-Arab rainbow trout farm (Isfahan Province)

Owner: Mr. Feridun Hogzi-Arab

This is a small rainbow trout farm, consisting of 6 ponds of 3.0 × 20.0 × 1.0 m size, 2 ponds of 8.0 × 20.0 × 1.0 m size and a reservoir of 0.5 ha. One cu.m of water of excellent quality is delivered to the farm by a creek. The total production of the farm in 1986 was 6 t. No serious diseases occurred. The stocking material is purchased and transported from the Kelardasht Propagation Centre.

2.8 Sardab fish farm (near Rostam-Abad, Chaharmahal Province)

Owner: Mr. Amir Hussein Golmohammadi

This rainbow trout farm consists of 14 ponds of 35.0 × 5.0 × 1.0 m and of a reservoir of 800 m3. The water is delivered by a creek and the current is 500 1/sec. The average water temperature is 8–9°C. The stocking material is purchased from the Kelardasht Propagation Centre. In 1987, one month after the stocking, a high mortality was recorded. The assumed reason for the mortality was VHS disease. (There are no facilities as yet to identify viral fish diseases in Iran). The fish at the time of the visit of the consultant were underfed and no trained workers were employed on the farm.

2.9 Dimeh rainbow trout farm (Chaharmahal Province)

Owned by Shilat Fisheries Company.

The farm is located at the origin of the Zayendeh River and still under construction. The planned capacity of the farm is 15 million of fingerlings (average weight of 1 g) and 250 t of market fish/yr. Due to a heavy snowfall and storm the building collapsed before being completed in 1987.

A private fish farm situated at 500 m from the Dimeh Complex consists of 26 ponds (40.0 × 5.0 × 1.0 m each). The planned capacity of the farm is 50 t of market fish/yr. The farm is supplied with 800 1/sec of water from the Zayendeh River. The farm is to be completed in February 1988.

2.10 Esfahan irrigation project (Esfahan Province)

There are some 20–25 000 irrigation wells in Esfahan Province with a water capacity of 30 to 100 1/sec each. The water quality of these wells is excellent, mostly of drinking quality. The water temperature ranges from 10°C to 14°C. The oxygen content of the water is rather low, but the water could be aerated and used for rainbow trout culture. A survey should be carried out to identify suitable places for fish farm construction, to be followed by construction of a few demonstration fish farms.

2.11 Esfahan fish farm and propagation centre (in Esfahan)

Manager:Mr. Mohammad Ali Sharify
Hatchery Manager:Mr. Farhad Golipur
Fish Culture Expert:Mr. A. Azimiyan
Laboratory Manager:Mr. A Shahryar

This farm is a warmwater propagation and fingerling rearing centre in the southern region of Iran. The complex has 22 ponds with a total water surface of 17 ha. Four wells supply 120 1/sec for the ponds and for the hatchery. The hatchery is a modern one, equipped with 200 glass incubators (7 litre each) and 35 Zuger glasses for larvae nursing (80 litre each). The staff of the farm is well trained. The main species cultured at the farm are the common carp, silver carp, grass carp and bighead carp.

2.12 Steel factory mine ponds (Esfahan Province)

There are three mine ponds 12 km distant from Esfahan. One pond is rented by the Shilat Fisheries Company. The water surface of this pond is 27 ha, the average depth is 1.0 – 3.0 m. The Shilat introduced 80 000 common carp fingerlings (average weight of 5 g) in 1984, followed up by 150 000 fingerlings of common carp, silver carp and bighead (average weight of 5 g) in 1985. No fish were stocked into this pond in 1986 and 1987. The Company faces difficulties in fishing out this pond. Only gill nets can be used because of the rough bottom. The total weight of the fish captured in 1986 was 1 250 kg. The consultant gave suggestions for improved stocking of the pond.

2.13 Yagendasht rainbow trout farm of the 1 & 1 Company (Fars Province)

Manager: Mr. M. Lesani

The farm has 52 ponds of 6.0 × 40.0 × 1.0 m size and 8 small ponds of 2.8 × 40.0 × 1.0 m size. The water temperature reaches the critical level to rainbow trout, with the minimum water temperature of 16°C, and the maximum of 19°C. The stocking material is purchased from the Kelardasht Propagation Centre. The fish are fed with imported starter pellets during fingerling stage, while the locally produced pellets are given to the market fish. The production of the farm in 1986 was 45 t of market fish. In 1987 due to diseases, only 17 000 from the stocked 52 000 of 1 g fingerlings survived. The quality of the feed on the farm was found to be very poor, one of the reasons being that it was stored for more than six months on the farm before being used. Only 4 ponds of 60 were in use. Training in proper management is essential if fish production is to improve.

2.14 Gagengan private rainbow trout farm (Shiraz Province)

Owner: Mr. J.B. Abedini

The farm has 11 ponds of 5.0 × 30.0 × 0.8 m size, and 2 ponds of 30.0 × 2.3 × 0.5 m size. The production started on the farm in 1985 when 4 t of market fish were produced from 120 000 fingerlings of 1 g weight. In 1986 the total production was 6 t from 100 000 fingerlings (1 g). In 1987 only 51 000 fingerlings were transported from Kelardasht. Forty percent of the stocked fish died before reaching 60 g weight; another 20% died before reaching 100 g. The probable reason for this mortality was the VHS disease. The fish were in extremely bad nutritional condition at the time of the consultant's visit, as they were not fed for the last three months.

2.15 Yasouj rainbow trout propagation and rearing centre (Shiraz Province)

The farm belongs to the Shilat Fisheries Company and is under construction. There are 75 ponds on the farm (43 of 6.0 × 40.0 × 1.0 m size and 32 of 3.0 × 27.0 × 1.0 m size). The planned capacity of the hatchery is 10 million fingerling/year while the market fish production capacity is 200 t/yr. The construction started in 1987, and it is planned to be completed in 1988. The total construction cost is 400 million Rials. The farm seems to be too large for the available water source of a minimum water current 0.7 m3/sec, and maximum of 4.0 m3/sec. Therefore, the water will have to be recycled to satisfy the demand.

2.16 Younnes private rainbow trout farm (near Sarab-Taveh village, Shiraz Province)

Owner: Amini Mehdi

The farm, completed in 1986, has 4 ponds of 27.0 × 3.0 × 1.0 m, and 24 ponds of 30.0 × 4.5 × 1.0 m size. The total construction cost was 40 million Rials. The first year of the production was not successful. The owner purchased 160 000 fingerlings from Kelardasht, 80% of which died from the VHS disease. The remaining 20% of the fish were destroyed to stop the epidemic. Due to the fact that the farm gets the water directly from a spring (600 1/sec; 12°C constant water temperature) the disease was probably transferred by the stocked fish or the equipments used, or by the water in which the fingerlings were transported to the farm.


A major programme to increase the Caspian salmon and rainbow trout production is under way. This is being achieved by providing land and stocking material for the private sector, and by giving advice through the Shilat Company experts. The Government is also going ahead with the construction of several trout farms and hatcheries in different regions and provinces and issues licences for private farmers. This rapid expansion of coldwater fisheries causes a shortage of trained technical staff, which currently cannot be trained at the universities and colleges as they do not offer such specialized courses. To overcome this, at least 25 persons need to be trained urgently in coldwater fisheries. Without such training the implementation of the ambitious government programme could be in jeopardy. The managerial manpower already in the field needs to improve their technical level by further training to fully achieve optimal running of the existing hatcheries/ farms. Besides the major problems of the coldwater farms are the widespread fish diseases and poor quality of fish feed.

A draft project document on the training course in coldwater fisheries is given in Annex C.



  1. Kelardasht coldwater fish farm
  2. Mazran-Ghezel fish farm
  3. Bazras fish farm
  4. Sad-e-Sangar warmwater fish farm
  5. Siahkal Project
  6. Seifid-Rud fish farm
  7. Hogzi-Arab fish farm
  8. Sardab fish farm
  9. Dimeh fish farm
  10. Irrigation Project
  11. Isfahan Centre
  12. Steel factory ponds
  13. Yagendasht farm
  14. Gangegan fish farm
  15. Yasouj Centre
  16. Younnes fish farm



10–14 June:Rome - briefing and technical discussions.
14 June:Arrival in Tehran
15 June:Tehran - meeting in the Department of Fisheries (Shilat), and visit to the UNDP office
15 June:Tehran - kelardasht (by car)
16 June:Kelardasht Coldwater Fish Farm (Bahoner), Mazandaran Province
17 June:Marzran - Ghezel and Bazras private fish farms (Gilan Province); travel to Sad-e-Sangar (Dr. Beheshti) fish farm near Rasht, Gilan Province (by car)
18 June:Sad-e-Sangar warmwater fish farm and training centre; Siahkal Project and Sefid-Rud fish farm
19 August:Sad-e-Sangar - Tehran (by car)
20 August:Tehran - meeting in Shilat with fisheries experts and visit to UNDP Office; travel from Tehran to Esfahan (by car)
21 August:Hogzi-Arab, Sardab, and Dimeh rainbow trout farms and Esfahan Irrigation Project (Esfahan Province)
22 August:Esfahan Fish Farm and Propagation Centre (Esfahan Province)
22 August:Esfahan - Shiraz (by car); Yagendasht Company (Shiraz Province)
24 August:Gagengan and Younes fish farms and Yasouj Centre (Shiraz Province)
25 August:Shiraz - meeting with Shilat representatives, farm owners/managers and fisheries experts. Back to Tehran (by air)
26 August:Meeting in Shilat - discussed proposal for the coldwater fish culture training project. Visit to the UNDP Office
27 August:Tehran - Rome
28 August-1 Sept.Debriefing in FAO, Rome, and finalization of the draft TCP proposal
2 SeptemberRome - Budapest



Fisheries Department (Shilat), Ministry of Agriculture
Dr. S. Moini, Deputy Managing Director (training and research)
Dr. R. Fatemy, Officer in charge of the research programme
Mr. H. Siahmakoon, Deputy Managing Director, Inland Water Fisheries Rearing and Production
Mr. H. Emadi, Deputy Managing Director, Production and Utilization
Mr. M. Jamali, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries Division
Mr. J. Akbari, Director of Coldwater Fish Culture Centre, Kelardasht
Dr. A. Akhondi, Fisheries Adviser, Shilat
Dr. A. Rajaby, Fisheries Adviser, Shilat
Mr. M. Miar, Fisheries Expert, Shilat
Mr. a. Abbasi, Fisheries Expert, Shilat


Coldwater Fish Culture and Propagation Centre, Mazandaran Province
Mr. Javad Akbary, Director of the Station
Dr. A. Asghar, Saidi - Fish Pathologist Adviser
Mr. M. Miar, Hatchery Manager
Dr. S.A. Askar, Fish Culture Expert
Mr. A. Ali-Akbar, Fish Culture Expert

MAZRAN-GHEZEL private farm, Mazandaran Province
Mr. M. Miar, Hatchery Manager

BAZRAS private fish farm, Gilan Province

Mr. Nusa Ibrahim, Owner
Mr. A. Abbasi, Fisheries Expert, Shilat

SAD-E-SANGAR Warmwater fish farm and Propagation Centre, Gilan Province
Mr. R. Rastigar, Director
Mr. H.S. Zaemmian, Hatchery Manager
Mr. Y. Vahabi, Laboratory Manager
Mr. R. Arshad, Chief of Siahkal Project
Mr. Ali Darveshe, Fish Hygiene Laboratory
Mr. Mohammadi Jalele, Hydrochemical Laboratory
Mr. Sohrab Shakuse, Fish Productin Unit

SEFID-RUD Fish Farm, Gilan Province
Mr. Mehdi Yousefian, Fisheries Manager

HOGZI ARAB Fish Farm, Esfahan Province
Mr. F.H. Arab, Owner

SARDAB Fish Farm, Chaharmahal Province
Mr. Amir Hussein Gol-Mohammadi, Owner

ESFAHAN Fish Farm and Propagation Centre (Esfahan Province)
Mr. Mohammad Ali Shariffy, Station Head
Mr. F. Golipur, Hatchery Manager
Mr. A. Azimiyan, Fish Culture Expert
Mr. A. Shahryar, Laboratory Manager

YAGENDASHT Fish Farm, Fars Province
Mr. Lesani, Manager

GAGENGAN Fish Farm, Shiraz Province
Mr. J. B. Abedini, Owner

YASOUJ Fish Propagation Centre, Shiraz Province
Mr. A. abbasi, Fisheries Expert

YOUNNES Rainbow Trout Farm, Yasouj Province
Mr. A. Mehdi, Owner

TEHRAN, Shilat Fisheries Company
Mr. Hassan Siahmakoon, Deputy Managing Director
Mr. F. Feridpak, Consultant, Shilat
Mr. A. Abbasi, Expert, Shilat
Dr. A. Akhondi, Senior Expert, Shilat
Mr. M. Sharify, Director, Shilat, Esfahan


Mr. Javad Akbary, Director, Kelardasht
Mr. Mehdi Miar, Expert, Kelardasht
Mr. H. Khodadadfar, Expert, Shilat Training Department
Mr. B. Mojazi Amiri, Fish Culturist
Mr. C. Makhondi, Fish Culturist
Mr. Thammores Ranjbar, Fish Culturist
Mr. A. Abolghassemi, Expert Fish Propagation Division
Mr. R. Arshad, Expert Sad-e-Sangar
Mr. E. Rastigar, Director, Sad-e-Sangar
Dr. A. Rajabi, Senior Expert

Mr. R.K. Dar, Resident Representative
Mr. Pournik, Programme Officer



PROJECT TITLE:Training course in coldwater fisheries
COMPLETION DATE:September, 1988
Ministry of Agriculture
Signed ............................................................. Signed .............................................................
Edouard Saouma
(on behalf of the Government)(on behalf of FAO)
Date of signature ..............................................Date of signature ..........................................................


The Islamic Republic of Iran has a very good potential for further development of coldwater fisheries, which is at present constrained by shortage of trained manpower. This has resulted in an uneven production, with some hatcheries/farms being more productive than others. On average, however, the fish production in Iran has been rather low, reaching about 1 750 t, from 60 ha of the licenced 20 farms. An additional 1 000 t of trout was estimated to have been produced in non-licensed farms.

Currently a major programme to increase the Caspian salmon and rainbow trout production is under way. This is being achieved by providing land and stocking material for the private sector, and by giving advice through the Shilat Company experts. The Government is also going ahead with the constructin of several trout farms and hatcheries in different regions and provinces and issuing licences for private farmers. This rapid expansion of coldwater fisheries causes a shortage of trained technical staff, which currently cannot be trained at the universities and colleges which do not offer such specialized courses. To overcome this, at least 25 persons should be trained urgently in coldwater fisheries. Without such training, the implementation of the ambitious government programme would seem to be in jeopardy. The managerial manpower already in the field also needs to improve their technical level by further training to fully achieve optimal running of existing hatcheries/farms. Among the major problems of the coldwater farms are the widespread diseases, and the poor quality of fish feed available.

The Government has therefore requested FAO/TCP assistance in this respect.

A preliminary mission was fielded by Dr. Z. L. Krasznai from 10 – 23 August 1987 to review the situation and prepare a TCP project proposal.


The objective of the project is to strengthen the national capacity in coldwater fisheries.


Training course in coldwater fisheries:

Venue: Kalerdasht, Iran, plus one week in the field.

Duration: Two months during the period of January-February 1988

The maximum number of participants: 25

The following subjects to be covered:

At the end of the course, successful participants will be issued with a certificate. The lectures will be included in a training manual.



(Terms of reference attached in Annex 1)

Contracts up to US $15 000
(production of reports and training manual)

General Operating Expenses up to US $2 000

Supplies/Material up to US $2 000

Equipment up to US $10 000
(Aquacheck, slide film projector, voltage stabilizer, video recorder, TV, overhead projector, video casettes, glassware and chemicals).


At the end of the course the Senior Consultant of FAO will prepare a Terminal Statement and a short report on the training course with recommendations for further activities. He will also edit the lectures presented during the training course and submit the manuscript for publication to the FAO Fisheries Department.


(in US dollars)

PROJECT TITLE:Training course in coldwater fisheries
10. PERSONNEL:61 000
30. CONTRACTS:15 000
60. EQUIPMENT:10 000
TOTAL90 000



Under the supervision of the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Services of the FAO Fisheries Department, the Senior Consultant will:

  1. Organize and execute a two-month training course in coldwater fisheries in Kelardasht, Iran.

  2. Arrange that the required facilities are made available for the training course.

  3. Edit the lectures presented during the training course, to be published as FAO Fisheries Training Manual.

  4. Lecture on selection and genetic methods to increase production level.

  5. Submit (i) report on his mission, (ii) terminal statement on the project.

Duration of the appointment: 2 months

Duty Station: Kelardasht, Iran.



The Consultant will:

  1. Lecture, organize and supervise practical training in trout and salmon culture technologies, mechanization and economy of coldwater fish culture.

  2. Prepare draft text of the lectures and submit it to the Senior Consultant.

  3. Assist the Senior Consultant/Team Leader in preparation of the final report.

  4. Submit report on his consultancy.

Duration of appointment: one month

Duty Station: Kelardasht, Iran



The Consultant will:

  1. Deliver lectures and practical training on fish diseases and hygiene of trout and salmon culture.

  2. Prepare the draft text of the lectures and submit it to the Senior Consultant.

  3. Assist the Senior Consultant Team Leader in preparation of the final report.

  4. Submit a report on his consultancy.

Duration of appointment: one month

Duty Station: Kelardasht, Iran



The Consultant will:

  1. Lecture on the nutrition and feed formulation of trout and salmon culture, and direct practical classes in these subjects.

  2. Identify locAlly available fish food ingredients.

  3. Prepare the draft text of the lectures and submit it to the Senior Consultant.

  4. Assist the Senior Consultant Team Leader in preparation of the final report.

  5. Submit report on his consultancy.

Duration of appointment: one month

Duty Station: Kelardasht, Iran.



  1. The cultured coldwater fish species and their characteristics.

  2. Rearing of breeders of different coldwater fish species.

  3. Artificial propagation of Caspian salmon and rainbow trout and basic hatchery techniques.

  4. Environmental control in hatcheries.

  5. Sale and transportation of eggs.

  6. Sale and transportation of fingerlings.

  7. Advanced methods of fry and fingerling rearing of rainbow trout and Caspian salmon (stocking densities, water current, feeding, etc.)

  8. Advanced methods of market fish production (stocking densities, water current, feeding, etc.)

  9. Water quality and water supply of trout farms.

  10. Trout culture in recirculating water systems, tanks and silos.

  11. Prospectus of commercial trout culture.

  12. Transfer of fish species, introduction of new species, practice of introduction.

  13. Estimates of fish production in natural waters.

  14. Principles of fish stock assessment.

  15. Harvesting from natural waters.

  16. Selective breeding.

  17. Genetic variance and its components.

  18. Selection methods to increase production level (individual selection, family selection, etc.); demonstration of selection programme.

  19. Genetic methods to increase production level (inbreeding, hybridization, genetic manipulation); explanation of the different techniques.

  20. Mechanization of coldwater fish farming.

  21. Economy of coldwater fish culture.

  22. Hygiene of trout and salmon culture.

  23. Common bacterial and viral trout and salmon diseases, their prevention and therapy.

  24. Parasites of trout and salmon. Treatment methods.

  25. Principles of fish nutrition physiology.

  26. Protein, amino-acid and fatty-acid requirements of trout and salmon.

  27. Vitamin and mineral requirements of trout and salmon.

  28. Fish bio-energetics, utilization of ingredients.

  29. Feeding technologies.

  30. Locally available fish food ingredients.

  31. Complete diets for larval fish, fingerlings and market fish (dry feed, moist feed).

  32. Feed formulation technologies.

  33. Influence of feed on health condition, and body composition.



 DescriptionEstimated price US $
1.Aquacheck water quality analyser2 500
2.Slide projector (Kodak carousel S)500
3.Voltage stabilizer300
4.Video recorder1 000
5.Colour TV1 000
6.Video casettes and films700
7.Overhead projector500
8.Chemical products1 500
10.Spare parts2 000
11.Others (thermometers, plastic tools)1 500
Total12 000

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