FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 45
Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010
Farming the Waters for Food and People
5th Session (FI-702-5)
COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture
27 September to 1 October 2010
Phuket, Thailand
Rome, 2010
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© FAO 2010
FAN 45 (Download 681 kb)
Editorial (Download 81 kb)
Contents (Download 121 kb)
Fifth Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (Download 120 kb)
Africa (Sub-Saharan Africa) (Download 115 kb)
Asia (Download 84 kb)
Central Asia (Download 216 kb)
Latin America and the Caribbean (Download 123 kb)
Near East and North Africa (Download 101 kb)
Pacific Islands (Download 118 kb)
Salient Issues for Fish Trade (Download 92 kb)
Assessing Aquaculture Progress in
Complying with the Code of Conduct
Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) (Download 90 kb)
Estimating Employment in World Aquaculture (Download 161 kb)
Red de Acuicultura de las Americas (RAA): The Aquaculture Network
of the Americas - Launching and Initial Programme (Download 108 kb)
Aquaculture and aquaculture-related events
(Biennium 2010-2011) (Download 78 kb)
List of Aquaculture and Aquaculture-related Projects
(Biennium 2008-2009) (Download 102 kb)
Aquaculture and aquaculture-related events
(Biennium 2008-2009) (Download 74 kb)
Small-scale Aquaculture: Organization,
Clusters and Business (Download 191 kb)
Supporting Disaster Response and
Preparedness in Aquaculture (Download 83 kb)
One Health - Integrating Aquatic
Biosecurity into the Way Forward -
A Natural Progression (Download 177 kb)
Improving Biosecurity through Prudent and
Responsible Use of Veterinary Medicines in Aquatic Food Production (Download 130 kb)
On-Farm Feeding and Feed Management in
Aquaculture (Download 124 kb)
New Staff Profile (Download 93 kb)
New Aquaculture and Aquaculturerelated
Publications (Download 161 kb)
Back Cover (Download 681 kb)