Training manual for the control of the greater (larger) grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus, Horn)

Table of Contents


Sam Sekyembe, Crossland Management Consultants
Gustav Maurer, GGB Project Advisor
James Gatimu, GGB Project Manager
Jasper Nkanya, Crop Post-Harvest Management Branch
Sarah Injairu, Crop Post-Harvest Management Branch

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Greater Grain Borer Project


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development & Marketing Crop Post-Harvest Management Branch

Copyright: GTZ
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Table of Contents



Duration of course for each category of target group


Session 1 - Introduction and leveling of expectations of participants

Hand-out 1 - Common crop insect pests

Session 2 - Identification of the greater grain borer (GGB)

Session 3 - The ecology and life-cycle of the GGB

Hand-out 2 - The life cycle of the GGB

Session 4 - The current spread of the GGB

Hand-out 3 - Brief notes on the spread of the GGB

Hand-out 4 - The world spread of the GGB

Hand-out 5 - The spread of the GGB in Africa

Session 5 - Losses caused by the GGB

Hand-out 6 - The main agents which cause financial losses to grain farmers and traders

Hand-out 7 - Selected copies of photographs of losses on farms in Taweta district.

Session 6 - Biological control of the GGB

Hand-out 8 - Biological control of the GGB

Session 7 - Pheromone traps for the GGB

Hand-out 9 - Pheromone traps for the GGB

Session 8 - Control of the spread of the GGB through timely harvesting of maize and post-harvest farm hygiene

Hand-out 10 - Notes on control of spread of the GGB trough timely harvesting of maize and post-harvest farm hygiene

Session 9 - Control of the spread of the GGB through improved maize

Hand-out 11 - Control of the spread of the GGB through improved maize-drying practices

Session 10 - Control of the GGB through chemical treatment of shelled maize

Hand-out 12 - Control of the GGB by chemical means

Session 11 - Control of the spread of the GGB through construction of improved storage of Shelled Maize

Hand out 13 - Appropriate produce storage structures and systems

Session 12 - Control of the spread of the GGB through effective

Hand-out 14 - Produce stores management

Session 13 - Quarantine measures to control the spread of the GGB

Hand-out 15 - Quarantine for maize

Session 14 - Monitoring and enforcement of the measures to control the spread of the GGB