Compensation programs for the sanitary emergence of HPAI-H5N1 in Latin America and the Caribbean

Compensation programs for the sanitary emergence of HPAI-H5N1 in Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO Animal Production
and Health Manual
No. 6

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In general, governmental compensation programs motivate the notification of animal diseases, indemnifying the producer with a fair price for the goods destroyed on behalf of the society. The objective is to avoid the dissemination of transboundary diseases of easy transmission as HPAI – H5N1.

The present report was financed and elaborated by FAO, in collaboration with OIE, and pretends to motivate the Ministries of Agriculture and veterinary services of Latin America and Caribbean countries to develop a compensation strategy before a possible outbreak of HPAI-H5N1 in the region.

The publication has a revision of the compensation subject, discussed at global level, regarding the HPAI-H5N1, and at regional level regarding others priority transboundary diseases, including an analyze of some situations in 19 countries of the Region and the recommendations to adopt the most convenient national strategy.

      Table of contents


      Executive summary

      Grounds for a compensation program

        The impact of the disease and its control
        The purpose of compensation
        Studies on compensation mechanisms

      Compensation programs

        How much should be compensated
        Who should be compensated
        Compensation procedures
        Financing compensation

      Situation in the regions’ countries

        Costa Rica
        El Salvador
        Dominican republic

      Regional initiatives

      Design of existing programs

        The reasons for compensation
        Who will be compensated
        The value of compensation
        The refunding of control measures costs
        The administration of compensation
        The funding strategy
        The medium and long term strategy
        Communication of the compensation strategy

      A comment on insurance

      Conclusions and recommendations



        Compensation strategy checklist – draft for testing and feedback

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ISBN 978-92-5-106033-9

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