The State of Food and Agriculture 2009


Livestock in the balance

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Rome, 2009


Foreword   (Download pdf 1Mb)
Abbreviations and acronyms

PART I - Livestock in the balance

1. Livestock in the balance  (Download pdf 179 Kb)

    Livestock sector change
    Structure of the report and key messages

2. Change in the livestock sector (Download pdf 155 Kb)

    Consumption trends and drivers
    Production trends and drivers
    Trade trends and drivers
    Outlook for consumption, production and trade
    Livestock sector diversity
    Transformation of livestock systems
    Challenges from continued livestock sector growth
    Key messages of the chapter

3. Livestock, food security and poverty reduction (Download pdf 119 Kb)

    Livestock and livelihoods
    Livestock and food security
    Livestock sector transformation and the poor
    Livestock and poverty alleviation
    Competitiveness and the livestock sector
    Livestock policies for sector transition
    Key messages of the chapter

4. Livestock and the environment (Download pdf 132 Kb)

    Livestock production systems and ecosystems
    Livestock and climate change
    Improving natural-resource use by livestock production
    Dealing with climate change and livestock
    Key messages of the chapter

5. Livestock and human and animal health (Download pdf 116 Kb)

    Economic and human-health threats related to livestock disease
    Disease control and risk management
    Key messages of the chapter

6. Conclusions: balancing society�s objectives for livestock (Download pdf 65 Kb)

    Balancing opportunities against risks
    Balancing the needs of different smallholders
    Balancing food security and nutrition
    Balancing the trade-offs among systems, species, goals and impacts
    Balancing objectives in different societies
    The way forward: towards an agenda for action for the livestock sector
    Key messages of the report

PART II - World food and agriculture in review (Download pdf 262 Kb)

    Trends in global food security
    Agricultural price developments � high variability of basic food price
    Domestic food prices in developing countries
    Medium-term prospects for international agricultural commodity prices
    Agricultural production
    Agricultural trade
    Policy responses to higher food prices and their impact on agricultural markets
    Impact of policy responses on global markets

PART III - Statistical annex (Download pdf 304 Kb)

    Table A1  Production of livestock products, 1995�2007
    Table A2  Production of main categories of meat, 1995�2007
    Table A3  Per capita consumption of livestock products, 1995�2005
    Table A4  Per capita calorie intake from livestock products, 1995�2005
    Table A5  Per capita protein intake from livestock products, 1995�2005
    Table A6  Trade in livestock products, 1995�2006

References (Download pdf  169 Kb)
Special chapters of The State of Food and Agriculture

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ISBN 978-92-5-106215-9

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