



Rome, Italy, 10-14 March 2003



Monday, 10 March 2003
08.30 - 10.00
Registration of participants
10.00 - 13.00 Item 1: Opening of the Session Address by the Director-General
Item 2:
Adoption of the Agenda document COFO-2003/1)
Item 3:
Election of officers and designation of the Drafting Committee in accordance with the rules of procedure
Item 4:
State of the World's Forests SOFO 2003 report, for information) This is a regular item to launch the latest edition of SOFO.
14.30 –17.30 Side Meetings
FAO support to member countries (14.30 Lebanon Room) Forests and water (16.00 Lebanon Room)
14.30 –17.30 Satellite Events
FAO-hosted satellite meetings led by other major forest organizations (Mexico Room)
Monday, 10 March 2003 (Cont.d)
14.30 – 17.30 Poster Session
A poster session illustrating some of the field and normative programmes of FAO and partners
Tuesday, 11 March 2003
09.30 –10.30
Item 5:
The role of the Regional Forestry Commissions in implementing the IPF/IFF proposals for action (document COFO-2003/2)
Previous sessions of COFO have recommended that FAO actively support countries in the implementation of IPF/IFF proposals for action. The Regional Forestry Commissions represent potentially significant venues in which to exchange country experiences with a view to identifying opportunities and constraints to the implementation of IPF/IFF proposals and to developing a coordinated response which builds on synergies and partnerships. A panel of regional representatives will discuss how the Regional Forestry Commissions can play an active role in assisting countries and the international community implement the IPF/IFF proposals for action. COFO delegates are invited to comment on the points raised and suggest additional ways to increase the involvement of the Regional Commissions in this area.
10.30 - 12.30
Item 6:
Forests and freshwater – issues and options (document COFO-2003/3)
Access to and availability of freshwater is becoming increasingly a concern. The United Nations declared 2003 the International Year of Freshwater, reflecting the critical importance of the resource. A side meeting featuring presentations of key issues by major independent institutes dealing with the links between forests and freshwater management will be organized. Highlights of discussions will be given in COFO along with a summary of outcomes of the International Year of Mountains (2002), focusing on sustainable mountain development and the management of forested watersheds. COFO delegates will be invited to discuss the contributions that forests and forestry can make in securing freshwater resources and the specific contributions expected of international agencies and organizations.
14.30 –17.30 Side Meetings
Developments in FRA (14.30 Lebanon Room)
Harmonizing forest-related definitions (15.30 Lebanon Room)
NFP Facility (16.30 Lebanon Room)
Tuesday, 11 March 2003 (Cont.d)
14.30 –17.30 Satellite Events
FAO-hosted satellite meetings led by other major forest organizations (Mexico Room)
14.30 – 17.30 Poster Session
A poster session illustrating some of the field and normative programmes of FAO and partners.
Wednesday, 12 March 2003
09.30 - 10.30
Item 7:
National forest programmes as a mechanism to implement the key outcomes of the WFS:fyl and WSSD. (document COFO-2003/4)
National forest programmes represent a dynamic and holistic means to incorporate new ideas and priorities into forest management and conservation. They serve as a basis to integrate environmental, economic and social issues. The World Food Summit: five years later and the World Summit on Sustainable Development have drawn world attention on a number of key issues. COFO delegates are invited to suggest ways in which national forest programmes can effectively integrate the key outcomes of these two major events of 2002.
10.30 - 11.00 Item 8: Decisions of FAO Governing Bodies of interest to the Committee (document COFO-2003/5)
11.00 - 12.30
Item 9:
The future of forests: implications of the Forestry Outlook Study for Africa.
(document COFO-2003/6)
FAO and the countries of Africa have recently completed the Forestry Outlook Study for Africa (FOSA), the most collaborative and extensive review ever undertaken to examine the emerging opportunities and constraints for sustainable forest management on the continent. FOSA provides an indication of the future scenarios of forestry development to the year 2020 at the regional and sub-regional levels. Specifically, it assesses the implications of the changing social, economic, institutional and technological environment and provides a framework to address poverty and environmental degradation. COFO delegates will be invited to comment on the implications and relevance of FOSA to their own national efforts.
14.00 –15.00 Side Meetings
World Forestry Congress 2003 (14.00 Lebanon Room)
Wednesday, 12 March 2003 (Cont.d)
14.00 – 15.00 Satellite Events
FAO-hosted satellite meetings led by other major forest organizations (Mexico Room)
15.15 - 16.30
Item 10:
Review of FAO programmes in the forestry sector, including follow-up to the requests and recommendations of the Fifteenth Session of the Committee as well as the Programme Implementation Report.
(document COFO-2003/7)
(a) Developments in Forest Resources Assessment
(b) Harmonizing forest-related definitions: key to successful monitoring and reporting on forests.
This is a standing item in which FAO provides an account to member countries on the programme in forestry over the biennium and informs of action taken on recommendations of the previous COFO. Specific reference is made in the document to most recent Programme Implementation Report. Two particular activities will be highlighted: forest resources assessment and harmonising forest-related definitions.
16.30 - 18.00
 Item 11:
Defining work objectives for FAO in key cross-cutting areas identified by countries and the FAO medium-term planning process.
(documents COFO-2003/7, COFO-2003/8 and COFO-2003/8.ADD.1)
(a) Forests, poverty and food security
(b) Forests and water
(c) Forest governance
(d) Forest biological diversity
COFO members will be invited to advise FAO on the emphasis it should accord to these work areas and the roles FAO is expected to have in terms of policy development and provision of technical expertise to member countries, in collaboration with partners such as non-governmental organizations and international agencies. COFO delegates will receive an excerpt of FAO’s medium term plan that outlines planned activities over the period 2004-09 and preliminary information on PWB proposals for major programme 2.4 Forestry.
Thursday, 13 March 2003
09.30 – 12.30
Item 11:
14.00 –17.00 Side Meetings
Silva Mediterannea (14.00 Lebanon Room)
  Satellite Events
International Year of Mountains (15.30 Lebanon Room)
FAO-hosted satellite meetings led by other major forest organizations (Mexico Room)

Friday, 14 March 2003
10.00 - 13.00
Item 12:
 Date and place of next Session
Item 13:
Adoption of the report
Item 14:
Closing of the Session