Scientific review of the impact of climate change on plant pests

A global challenge to prevent and mitigate plant pest risks in agriculture, forestry and ecosystems


The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health agreement that aims to protect global plant resources and facilitate safe trade. The IPPC vision is that all countries have the capacity to implement harmonized measures to prevent pest introductions and spread, and minimize the impacts of pests on food security, trade, economic growth, and the environment.


  • There are over 180 IPPC contracting parties.
  • Each contracting party has a national plant protection organization (NPPO) and an Official IPPC contact point.
  • 10 regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) have been established to coordinate NPPOs in various regions of the world.
  • The IPPC Secretariat liaises with relevant international organizations to help build regional and national capacities.
  • The Secretariat is provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

International Plant Protection Convention Secretariat

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy