Rome, 1991
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(c) FAO 1991
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Chapter 2: General principles of animal health services
Policy, strategies and priorities
Standards and norms
Chapter 3: Objectives and functions
Development of animal health and production
Protection of human health
Protection of animals
Chapter 4: Organization and management
Central directorate
Field services
Import/export and quarantine control
Distribution of veterinary products and equipment
Veterinary laboratories
Model organograms
Personnel planning
Status of animal health personnel
Education and training
Chapter 6: Planning: financial management and evaluation
Chapter 7: Animal disease emergency planning
The national animal disease emergency plan
Preparation of a plan
Emergency disease diagnosis
Emergency vaccination
Training for emergencies
Legal powers
Notifiable diseases
Veterinary inspection
Drug control
Veterinary council
Veterinary public health
Chapter 9: Animal health information
National reporting
International reporting
Chapter 10: Animal health and the environment
Animal health and ecological implications
Use of veterinary products
Use of pesticides
Presence of toxic residues in animal products
Chapter 11: International cooperation
Bilateral cooperation
Regional and global cooperation
Annex 1A: Model organogram for animal health services
Annex 1B: Model organogram for animal health and production services
Annex 2: Number of livestock and veterinary personnel in developing countries
Part I
Part II
Annex 4: International reporting procedures
Annex 5: Contents of the emergency operations manual (set of documents)
Annex 6: International and regional organizations
International organizations
Selected regional organizations