Technical documents & project reports
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Technical documents present original research or technical information with the purpose of expanding knowledge or providing analysis. Project reports cover the progress and outcomes of FAO projects.
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ProjectExpanding Global Nutrition Data Access: the FAOSTAT Food and Diet Domain - FMM/GLO/172/MUL 2024
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No results found.A major barrier to achieving healthy diets for all is the lack of comprehensive dietary data to guide evidence-based policies. Understanding consumption patterns is essential for nutrition policies, agriculture, health interventions and education. In many low- and middle-income countries, large-scale food consumption surveys are limited, leaving decision-makers to rely on national food availability data, like the Supply Utilization Accounts (SUA), or household data from Household Consumption and Expenditure Surveys (HCES). While useful, these sources have limitations. SUA, for instance, includes only energy, protein and fat but lacks essential micronutrient data. Under the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031, a multi division team developed and launched the Food and Diet Domain on the FAO Corporate Food and Agriculture Database (FAOSTAT), providing publicly accessible, harmonized dietary data to support global healthy diet policies. This resource fills gaps in dietary data and enhances the ability of policymakers and stakeholders to make informed decisions. -
ProjectEnhancing Developing Countries’ Capacities to Manage their National Phytosanitary Systems - GCP/INT/291/CPR 2024
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No results found.With rapid globalization, international travel and trade have reached unprecedented levels, increasing the movement of people and goods across borders. Along with these movements, organisms that pose risks to plant health also spread globally. In this context, it is crucial for developing countries to have the capacity to manage their national phytosanitary systems, ensuring sustainable food systems, trade, and economic growth while preventing the global spread of plant pests and diseases. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), established in 1952, is an international plant health agreement aimed at safeguarding both cultivated and wild plants from the introduction and spread of pests. The IPPC Secretariat, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, includes 185 contracting parties. The objectives of the project, “Strengthening the Capacity of Developing Contracting Parties to Implement the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) under the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Framework”, were to provide an effective platform for the IPPC to disseminate information, share knowledge, and address key issues related to plant health and climate change adaptation, coping strategies, policies, best practices, and lessons learned. -
ProjectStrengthening Regional Fisheries Management and Best-Practice Approaches for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development - GCP/SLC/217/EC 2024
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No results found.Fisheries using anchored/moored fish aggregating devices (aFADs) in the Caribbean have grown substantially in the last ten years, increasing catches of pelagic species but also of vulnerable and overexploited stocks of species. This has made it even more necessary to regulate aFADs numbers and density to avoid adverse social and economic consequences. Other concerns in the sustainable management of aFADs include the economic impact of natural occurrences such as strong hurricanes, and the lack of reporting of aFADs numbers, locations, lifespan and replacement. In addition to the above, issues remain related to resource access via aFADs fisheries, property rights claims, and disagreements on the scope of aFADs aggregated resources. This project aimed to support the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) Secretariat’s coordinating role of connected undertakings on large pelagic fisheries and related species and fisheries, and to strengthen the capacity of the WECAFC Working Group (WG) on the development of sustainable moored fish aggregating device (FAD) fishing. -
ProjectAppui à la production de statistiques agricoles en Tunisie - UTF/TUN/041/TUN 2024
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No results found.Le projet s’insérait dans le cadre du Projet de gestion intégrée des paysages (PGIP) soutenu par la Banque mondiale et mis en oeuvre dans les régions les moins développées du Nord-Ouest et Centre-Ouest de la Tunisie. Ce dernier visait à améliorer les connaissances de l’état des exploitations agricoles et des ressources forestières, pastorales et oléicoles pour permettre au Gouvernement tunisien d’élaborer des politiques en faveur d’une gestion durable de ces ressources. L’assistance technique apportée par la FAO venait appuyer la réalisation d’un recensement général de l’agriculture (RGA) et d’un inventaire forestier, pastoral et oléicole national (IFPON), tout en renforçant les capacités techniques du Ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques et de la pêche (MARHP), notamment avec le développement d’un système de gestion de l'information soutenant l’instauration d’un environnement favorable au développement durable des forêts et des parcours. -
ProjectPolítica agropecuaria 2018-2024 para el desarrollo agrícola y lucha contra el hambre y el cambio climático en México - UTF/MEX/145/MEX 2024
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No results found.La economía mexicana ha mostrado estabilidad macroeconómica en las últimas dos décadas, con un crecimiento promedio del 2,6 % entre 1980 y 2018. Sin embargo, la pandemia de COVID-19 provocó una contracción del 8,3 % en el PIB en 2020. Se proyecta un crecimiento del 2,2 % para 2024. El crecimiento económico del país se sustenta principalmente en la industria manufacturera y el sector servicios, que representan el 28 % y el 63 % de la economía, respectivamente. Aunque el sector primario (agricultura, ganadería, pesca y silvicultura) aporta solo el 3,2 % al PIB, ha experimentado avances en la producción y exportación de frutas como aguacates y bayas. Sin embargo, existen desafíos en el sector rural, caracterizado por una marcada polarización. El 73 % de los productores agropecuarios son pequeños y enfrentan obstáculos como la falta de acceso al mercado y tecnología, mientras que un pequeño grupo, que representa solo el 0,3 % de las Unidades Económicas Rurales (UER), concentra el 97 % de la producción comercializada. Para superar estas dificultades, es necesario implementar políticas públicas diferenciadas que fomenten un desarrollo sostenible y equitativo en el sector rural, mejorando las condiciones de vida y la seguridad alimentaria, y considerando además los efectos a largo plazo de la pandemia.