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Fish Culture Development in Zambia. Project report

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    Burma: fish culture development. Report to the government 1971
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    The development of fish culture in Burma from May 1967 to December 1970 is reviewed in this report. Highest priority is given to the solution of the problem of acute shortage of fish seed from cultivated species. Induced breeding of indigenous carps during 1967 by pituitary hormone injections and subsequently the commercial production of fish seed is the first successful achievement. The report shows that it is possible to meet the country's entire present requirements of seed and avoid collecti on of seed from natural sources. Other important achievements of this project are demonstrations of the technique of hybridization in fishes for producing improved varieties, improvement in the technique of nursery practices for higher survival of fry, better management of farm ponds, the introduction and acclimatization of the quick-growing phytophagous Chinese carps and demonstrations of increased production of fish by intensive fish culture.
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    Report to the government of Burma on the development of fish culture 1967
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    El presente informe se compone de tres partes: En la primera parte se proporcionan algunos antecedentes que explican el nuevo marco de funcionamiento de la economía cubana como consecuencia de los cambios políticos, económicos y sociales surgidos con el nuevo Gobierno revolucionario desde 1959. Este tipo de información no se obtiene fácilmente, debido a que los acontecimientos son relativamente recientes y todavía no existen publicaciones regulares -de carácter estadístico y económico- que d escriban el resultado de la actividad económica en Cuba. A pesar de esas dificultades el experto consideró importante hacer un esfuerzo para tener una visión generalizada de la evolución de la economía cubana en estos últimos cinco años y la perspectiva que se perfila en el futuro, ya que sin estos antecedentes, es difícil comprender el desarrollo y la planificación del sector pesquero o de cualquier otro sector de la economía cubana en la actualidad. En la segunda parte se hace un análisis de la pesca en Cuba durante el período 1960–1965 destacando los aspectos institucionales como la estructura del Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, la industrialización y distribución de productos pesqueros, el comercio exterior de la pesca, el consumo de pescados y mariscos, la investigación científica y la asistencia técnica. Todo este análisis sirve de diagnóstico para los efectos de la elaboración del plan. En la tercera parte se hace un análisis de los antecedentes sobre el plan pesquero 1966 –1970, que se utilizaron en los trabajos de la Comisión. En primer lugar se dan a conocer los aspectos metodológicos para elaborar el plan, para seguir con las orientaciones y alternativas del plan pesquero 1966–1970.
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    Nepal - Proposed improvement of duck culture in Pokhara, Bhairawa and Hetauda fisheries development centres. A report prepared for the integrated fishery and fish culture development project (Pokhara) 1979
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    Duck raising and fish-cum-duck farming are part of the Integrated Fishery and Fish Culture Development Project in Nepal. Improved strains of ducks have been introduced into the country and their production commercially and by the rural population is increasing rapidly, in turn increasing the demand for ducklings from the Government Fisheries Development Centres. Observations were made at the three centres and recommendations were made for improvements to present practices to increase productio n of duck eggs and ducklings. Training in duck husbandry was also given to technicians currently involved in this field. This report contains detailed information, with illustrations, of improved types of duck housing facilities, using mostly local materials, and procedures for selection, care and management of eggs, ducklings and breeding ducks and their distribution. Advantages and comparative costs of different breeds of ducks are analysed and introduction of an additional breed of duck i s suggested. Centralized locations for breeding and distribution of ducklings is recommended and the facilities needed are described. Financial and technical assistance is recommended to encourage the private sector to enter into duckling or meat-duck production on a small commercial scale. Other schemes for commercial duck raising are described and costs are given for buildings, feeding and other requirements. The appendixes list feeding requirements and costs of egg, duckling and meat-duck pro duction, as well as cost of facilities.

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