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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSustainable management of wildlife and food security
through sound legal frameworks, institutions and practices
2019Also available in:
No results found.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Development Law Service, is contributing to the achievement of food security by supporting the development of sound legal and institutional frameworks for the management of wild meat procurement and consumption. The The FAO-led Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme is an important part of this effort. -
Book (series)Wildlife Law in the Southern African Development Community 2010
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No results found.There is a wide variety of interests to be balanced in wildlife management. These interests range from the conservation of biodiversity and specific endangered species and their habitats, to control of human-wildlife conflicts, the creation of valuable opportunities in eco-tourism or hunting tourism in response to the needs and respect of the traditions of local populations depending on hunting and other wildlife uses. As a consequence, the enactment of effective legal frameworks for sustainable wildlife management, which are able to contribute to poverty reduction and food security and at the same time protect wild animals, is a challenging task. -
Book (series)Wildlife law and the legal empowerment of the poor in Sub-Saharan Africa 2009
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No results found.There is a wide variety of interests to be balanced in wildlife management. These interests range from the conservation of biodiversity and specific endangered species and their habitats, to valuable opportunities in eco-tourism or hunting tourism, to the needs and traditions of the local population relating to hunting and collection of animals or their products. In the case of rural communities in some parts of the world, especially where alternative sources of food and revenue are scarce, the impact of inadequate wildlife management which can result in decreased availability of bushmeat or cash or in exacerbated human-wildlife conflicts, may endanger the survival of wild animal species. However, this may be difficult to assess precisely, as based on existing literature, the actual degree of dependence of people on wildlife resources varies greatly. In any case, it is evident that the contribution of sustainable wildlife management to the reduction of poverty and food security, suppor ted by appropriate legal frameworks, is essential. Nevertheless, enacting effective legal reforms in the area of wildlife management is challenging.
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