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Maldarlıq təsərrüfatları üçün reproduktiv strategiyanın seçilməsi

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    Qoyunlarla əlaqəli Fermer Sahə Məktəbləri (FFS) üçün bu fasilitator təlimatı Azərbaycanda FAO-nun UTF/AZE/009/AZE “Dayanıqlı qoyun istehsalı və qida dəyər zəncirlərinin inkişafı və tətbiqi” layihəsi üçün hazırlanmışdır. Xırdabuynuzlu heyvandarlıq Azərbaycanda heyvandarlıq sektorunda mühüm rol oynayır, çünki o, kənd ailələrini gəlirlə təmin edir və bir çox təsərrüfatların güzəranına töhfə verir.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Choosing the best reproductive strategy for a cattle herd 2022
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    The publication is prepared in the framework of "UTF/AZE/010/AZE - Improvement of Cattle Production in Azerbaijan through Establishment of Effective Cattle Breeding and Feeding Systems" project implemented under the FAO-Azerbaijan Partnership Programme (FAPP, 2016-2021) that aims to improve cattle productivity through appropriate breeding management and strengthened services for artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and feeding systems. The purpose of the leaflet is to guide concerned beneficiaries during their decisions in selecting an appropriate reproduction strategy for their livestock herds. It provides a short narrative on each reproduction strategy including its pros and cons.
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    Strengthening Rural Livelihoods through Improved Breeding Structures in Azerbaijan - TCP AZE 3502 2018
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    Cattle are the most important part of the livestock sector in Azerbaijan. Modern and well-managed processing facilities are therefore required in order to produce high-quality dairy products. Given the need for a regular supply of raw milk throughout the year and, which required farmers to improve the genetic quality of cows, the project aimed to improve breeding and service quality in the livestock sector through a better organized and high-quality system for delivering artificial insemination and animal production services to farms.

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