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Marine biodiversity of the Saya de Malha Bank shallows: A photographic catalogue

Bhagooli, R., Ramah, S., Gendron, G., Kaullysing, D., Caussy, L. & Mostarda, E. 2024. Marine Biodiversity of the Saya de Malha Bank Shallows: A Photographic Catalogue. FAO, Rome.

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    Field Identification Guide to the Sharks and Rays of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden 2004
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    This volume presents a fully illustrated field guide for the identification of the sharks and rays most relevant to the fisheries of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. A total of 49 sharks and 45 batoids reliably reported for the region are listed and those common in the fisheries or likely to be found through fishing operations are fully treated (44 sharks and 33 batoids). Included here are the first confirmed reports for the region of Hemigaleus microstoma, Carcharhinus dussumieri, Aetomylaeus vesp ertilio, Himantura fai, Mobula japanica and an undescribed Dasyatis sp. The guide includes a fully illustrated keys to those orders and families that occur in the region. Each species account includes: at least one annotated illustration of the species highlighting its relevant identification characters; basic information on nomenclature, synonyms and possible misidentifications; FAO, common and local names; basic information on size, habitat and biology, importance to fisheries, and distributio n. Colour plates for a large number of the species are included.
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    Book (series)
    Hakes of the world (Family Merlucciidae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of hake species known to date. 2005
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    This is a worldwide catalogue of the family Merlucciidae. Two subfamilies, Macruroninae and Merlucciinae, are recognized comprising four genera, Lyconodes, Lyconus, Macruronus and Merluccius, and 18 species. The following subspecies are proposed: Macruronus novaezelandiae magellanicus Lönnberg, 1907; Merluccius albidus magnoculus Ginsburg, 1954, Merluccius australis polylepis Ginsburg, 1954 and Merluccius polli cadenati Doutre, 1960 and Merluccius merluccius smiridus Rafinesque, 1810. The possib ility of one other subspecies, Merluccius merluccius lessepsianus, represents the first record of Merluccius from the Red Sea. Merluccius paradoxus is first recorded from Madagascar. In the introductory chapters, Merlucciidae systematics is debated, justifications for the proposed taxonomic organization are provided, and the characters used for the identifications are discussed. Dichotomous keys are provided in the systematics chapter, enabling the identification of the hakes to the sp ecies level. Subfamilies and genera are also defined. The species are arranged in alphabetical order under each subfamily and genus to which they belong. The scientific name appears in bold at the head of each genus and species description, followed by the author, year of first description, and publication. Existing synonyms and FAO common names in English, French and Spanish are also provided. For each species there is an illustration followed by ten sections: description or diagnosis with diff erential characters; additional information; geographical distribution; habitat and biology; size; fisheries; fishery statistics; state of resources; local names, if any; and bibliographical references (author and year). The review is completed by a series of colour plates showing details of different elements (heads, otoliths, hyomandibulars, urohyals) for a quick and efficient diagnosis of the genera and species of Lyconus, Macruronus and Merluccius.
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    FAO species catalogue. Vol.13. Marine Lobsters of the World. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of marine lobsters known to date. 1991
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    This is the thirteenth issue in the FAO series of world-wide annotated and illustrated catalogues of major groups of organisms that enter marine fisheries. The present volume on marine lobsters includes 149 species in 3 infraorders, 10 families and 33 genera. There is an introductory section that supplies general remarks on the biology and fisheries of lobsters, a glossary of technical terms, illustrated keys to infraorders, superfamilies, families, subfamilies and species, and detailed accounts on species. Species accounts include illustrations of the species and their distributions, and information on scientific and vernacular names, types, distribution, habitat, biology, size, interest to fisheries, and relevant literature. Following the species accounts is a table of species by major fishing area, an index, and a bibliography. Two original contributions to nomenclature are presented in this volume. A new subgenus, Sagmariasus, is erected under the palinurid genus Jasus. In addition , the new name, Callianassa biffari, is proposed to replace the junior primary homonym C. affinis Holmes, 1900.

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