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Book (series)Le droit des eaux dans certains pays européens. Vol. 1 (Angleterre et Pays de Galles, Belgique, Espagne, France, Israël, Italie, Turquie) 1977
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Cette étude sur la législation et l'administration des eaux dans un choix de pays européens a pour but de contribuer plus avant à l'inventaire mondial des expériences nationales dans ce domaine. Chacun des pays analysés dans cette étude met en relief des charactéristiques et des expériences particulières en fonction soit de son climat, de ses conditions propres de la relation terre/eau, de son histoire juridico-politique ou de son organisation administrative. Bien qu'il n'ait pas été possible, à ce stade, de présenter un éventail plus large de pays européens, il est néanmoins envisagé de publier plus tard un second volume comportant des études relatives à des pays du nord et de l'est européen ainsi qu'à des pays fédéraux. -
Book (series)Water law in selected European countries, Vol. II (Cyprus, Finland, the Netherlands, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Yugoslavia) 1983
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No results found.This study is about the rational management and protection of this most important of resources. On the one hand, it is intended as a further contribution towards a global inventory of national experiences in the field of water resources management. On the other, it is an effort to educate by example; to provide a guide to those who want to know how others are coping with the complexities of managing and protecting water resources. In the latter context it is hoped that the reader will find this study especially useful. Although the subject matter is, in general terms, the water law of European countries, the countries themselves have been selected in a way intended to provide a broad cross section of how water resources are managed in wet (Finland) and arid (Cyprus) climates; how they are managed in the face of the constant threat of seawater intrusion (Netherlands) and how they are dealt with under a federalized management regime (Yugoslavia). In addition, we have included the example of legislation intended to facilitate the management and protection of an enormous variety of water resources over a vast area affected by climatic extremes (USSR). In short, it is hoped that the study will satisfy a variety of appetites for knowledge. -
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