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Book (stand-alone)More people, more food… worse water? - Water Pollution from Agriculture: a global review 2018
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No results found.Current patterns of agricultural expansion and intensification are bringing unprecedented environmental externalities, including impacts on water quality. While water pollution is slowly starting to receive the attention it deserves, the contribution of agriculture to this problem has not yet received sufficient consideration. We need a much better understanding of the causes and effects of agricultural water pollution as well as effective means to prevent and remedy the problem. In the existing literature, information on water pollution from agriculture is highly dispersed. This repost is a comprehensive review and covers different agricultural sectors (including crops, livestock and aquaculture), and examines the drivers of water pollution in these sectors as well as the resulting pressures and changes in water bodies, the associated impacts on human health and the environment, and the responses needed to prevent pollution and mitigate its risks. -
Book (stand-alone)Water pollution from agriculture: a global review - Executive summary 2017
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No results found.Water pollution is a global challenge that has increased in both developed and developing countries, undermining economic growth as well as the physical and environmental health of billions of people. Although global attention has focused primarily on water quantity, water-use efficiency and allocation issues, poor wastewater management has created serious water-quality problems in many parts of the world, worsening the water crisis. Global water scarcity is caused not only by the physical scar city of the resource but also by the progressive deterioration of water quality in many countries, reducing the quantity of water that is safe to use. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development acknowledges the importance of water quality and includes a specific water quality target in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 . The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is expected to strongly influence future policies and strategies and to ensure that the control of water pollution is elevated in international and national priorities.
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