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Book (series)FAO Yearbook of Forest Products 2015 2017
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No results found.The FAO Yearbook of Forest Products is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. It contains series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information in the yearbook is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through quest ionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes an estimate based on the best information available. -
Book (stand-alone)Global forest products facts and figures 2023 2024
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No results found.A synthesis of major trends in production, trade, and consumption of forest products, 2019-2023, based on the FAOSTAT-Forestry database and including a short summary of recent improvements in FAO’s work on forest product statistics. These data are essential for monitoring change and innovation in the global wood industry. During these five years, global production and trade of most major wood-based products recorded a decline. Global international trade in wood and paper products reached record levels and then dropped off substantially. Global industrial roundwood removals dropped by 4 percent to 1.92 billion m³ in 2023, while global trade decreased by 13 percent to 100 million m³. Sawnwood production in 2023 decreased in all five regions of the world; global trade in sawnwood declined as well. In 2023, paper production declined in Europe and Northern America, while it stagnated in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. It grew only in the Asia-Pacific region. Global production of graphic papers in 2023 (84 million tonnes) was at its lowest level since 1987. Wood pellet production has increased dramatically in the last decades, mainly owing to demand generated from bioenergy targets set by European countries, the Republic of Korea and Japan.FAO launched new data series on a wide range of products including production and trade in engineered wood products (EWPs); trade quantity and value of sawdust; and trade value in secondary processed wood products (e.g., wooden furniture) and secondary processed paper products (e.g., composite paper and paperboard). As well, FAO contributed to the update or revision of all major forest product classification systems. New data and data on emerging products contribute to the monitoring of raw wood material and wood product flows as well as to value chain analyses that support the development of a forest-based bioeconomy. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet2014 Global Forest Products Facts and Figures 2015FAO’s forest product statistics present figures for the production and trade (quantity and value) of forest products, covering 54 product categories, 21 product groups, and 245 countries and territories. Final statistics are released at the end of each year and can be found in the FAOSTAT-Forestry database from December, before they are published in the Yearbook of Forest Products the following April. The database has statistics from 1961 onwards, and the yearbooks date back to 1947.
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