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The influence of agricultural, trade and food policies on diets

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    Book (series)
    Repurposing food and agricultural policies to deliver affordable healthy diets, sustainably and inclusively: what is at stake?
    Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022
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    The analysis presented in this report examines the impacts of repurposing food and agricultural fiscal support and border support on the cost and affordability of healthy diets and several other key socioeconomic, nutritional and climate indicators. The impacts are estimated at the global level, as well as for various income groups and geographic regions. Scenarios include repurposing fiscal support to producer support targeted to high-priority foods (those where current levels of consumption are below that of recommended levels) and to consumer subsidies targeting high-priority foods.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Ex-post evidence on the effectiveness of policies targeted at promoting healthier diets 2017
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    As part of the package of documents to be prepared, a series of technical notes are being prepared by experts in different areas related to trade and nutrition, which aim to summarize key areas of research for policymakers and the broader audience. The four technical notes will focus on the following topics: measuring the cost of dietary diversity; ex-post evidence on the effectiveness of policies targeted at promoting healthier diets; the influence of agricultural, trade and food policies on di ets; and transnational corporations, food systems and their impacts on diets in developing countries.
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    Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results. Food Systems for Healthy Diets
    Policy Guidance Note No. 12
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    This policy guidance note is part of a series that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and partners are producing to support policy makers address the food security and nutrition situation in their country. Each note provides guidance on how to sharpen the focus of sector policies in order to achieve sustainable food security and nutrition outcomes. This note gives guidance on how to use a food systems's perspective to address all forms of malnutrition. Particular focus is given to tackling overweight and obesity and preventing NCDs because of their increasing prevalence globally. The note supports decision-makers and stakeholders in the food and agriculture sector by addressing the following questions: How can food systems better coontribute to healthy diets and prevent all forms of malnutrition? What policy changes are needed to achieve this objective? What is the best way to actually bring about policy change? In a four-step approach the note provides concrete actions to undertake in order to find an answer to them.

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