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Book (stand-alone)Climate change, migration and rural adaptation in the Near East and North Africa region 2023
Also available in:
Error: Could not load results for '/discover/search/objects?sort=dc.language.iso,ASC&page=0&size=5&configuration=item&query=(fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3Acc3801*%20OR%20fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3ACC3801*)%20-fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3ACC3801EN%20AND%20archived%3Atrue'.While there are instances where individuals or households are forcibly displaced or leave because they feel a decent life is no longer possible, migration is more than just a response to an unfolding crisis. Under certain conditions, migration can be a proactive livelihood diversification strategy that contributes to rural households’ capacity to adapt to changing conditions. -
Book (stand-alone)Rural migration in sub-Saharan Africa: patterns, drivers and relation to structural transformation
Rural employment working paper
2019Also available in:
Error: Could not load results for '/discover/search/objects?sort=dc.language.iso,ASC&page=0&size=5&configuration=item&query=(fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3Aca7404*%20OR%20fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3ACA7404*)%20-fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3ACA7404EN%20AND%20archived%3Atrue'.Sub-Saharan Africa has a long history of internal and international migratory movements. Migration patterns and dynamics from, to and between rural areas are profoundly differentiated across regions, and flows have considerably evolved over time. Yet, more recently, rural migration takes place in the unique situation of a major rural and urban demographic increase, which results in critical socio-economic and environmental challenges. In this context, intertwined migration drivers emerge and call for a better understanding of on-going dynamics. This working paper draws on a combination of literature review and data analysis, building on the results of the Atlas "Rural Africa in motion. Dynamics and drivers of migration South of the Sahara". This mixed approach is used to propose a conceptual framework based on past, current and future drivers of migration, then to examine observed patterns of rural migration and finally to discuss drivers’ characteristics and dynamics from case studies and existing datasets. -
BookletAddressing food security challenges faced by Near East and North Africa region due to the Ukraine crisis
Regional overview
2022Also available in:
Error: Could not load results for '/discover/search/objects?sort=dc.language.iso,ASC&page=0&size=5&configuration=item&query=(fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3Acb9926*%20OR%20fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3ACB9926*)%20-fao.identifier.jobnumber_keyword%3ACB9926EN%20AND%20archived%3Atrue'.The Russian Federation and Ukraine are among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the world. Both countries are net exporters of agricultural products, and they both play leading supply roles in global markets of foodstuffs and fertilizers, where exportable supplies are often concentrated in a handful of countries. This concentration could expose these markets to increased vulnerability to shocks and volatility. Many countries of the NENA region are heavily dependent on imported foodstuff and fertilizers from Russia and Ukraine; and thus, the current conflict puts the region at risk of shortening of food supply from Russia and Ukraine as well as raising food prices as a result of the disturbances in post-COVID-19.
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