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Book (stand-alone)FAO GM Foods Platform user guide - Sharing information on safety assessments of genetically modified (GM) food 2018
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No results found.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) maintains the “FAO GM Foods Platform”, available at, a simple, easy-to-access, global online resource that shares information on food safety assessments of genetically modified (GM) plants. This user guide provides an easy reference for the Platform’s users so that they can effectively share their GM food safety assessment data in accordance with the relevant Codex Alimentarius guidelines. This user guide aims to ensure that user data remains up to date and provides global benefits, particularly in the case of low level presence situations. There are four types of FAO Foods Platform users: 1) Visitors, 2) Registered Users (Focal Points), 3) Content Administrator, and 4) IT manager. This user guide particularly targets Registered Users so that they can review, upload and use the relevant data on GM food safety assessments. -
MeetingSide event to the 38th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission FAO GM Foods Platform: recent progress and future directions. Meeting Report 2015
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No results found.On 6 July 2015, a side event to the 38th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) entitled “FAO GM Foods Platform: recent progress and future directions” was organized at the Centre International de Conférences Geneva, Switzerland. A total of 113 delegates from 49 countries attended the event. This side event provided an opportunity to understand the challenges that Member countries are facing in conducting safety assessment of GM foods. In order to respond to the Codex Members’ needs, FAO would consider providing opportunities for countries to exchange information on emerging issues relevant to the safety assessment of GM foods. As many participants suggested, it is important to strengthen and maintain the fully-populated, value-added and interactive Platform. This calls upon FAO to continue its effort in maintaining and enhancing the Platform and its community. -
PresentationFood Safety in Africa: regional collaboration to ensure functional and effective GM food safety assessment in African countries 2020
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No results found.In order for Codex Alimentarius Members to share information on the results of Genetically Modified (GM) food safety assessments, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) maintains an online database entitled “FAO GM Foods Platform. After a number of Platform members globally requested FAO to host an interactive and face-to-face forum for the members to strengthen technical dialogues and discussions on the issues of their limited experience in conducting a GM food safety assessment and regulatory capacity, a global community meeting of the FAO GM Foods Platform was organized from 10 to 13 September 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. These are the technical presentations made during the global meeting by focal/alternative focal points to the Platform, invited experts and meeting organizers during the meeting.
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