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Safety at sea for small-scale fishers in the Caribbean

​FAO. 2020. Safety at sea for small-scale fishers in the Caribbean. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Safety at sea for small-scale fishers 2019
    This manual on safety at sea for small-scale fishers aims to contribute to a culture of safety awareness among fisherfolk, reduce the number of accidents and increase the chances of survival if accidents occur. The manual provides guidance on safety matters related to the work on a small-scale fishing vessel (e.g. fire safety, deck safety, lifesaving equipment, lighting and ventilation), personal safety and navigation safety. Checks and procedures to be performed before a fishing trip, as well as guidance for survival at sea, are also included in this manual.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Safety at sea for small-scale fishers (Bengali Ed.) 2020
    সমুদ্রে নিরাপত্তার উপর প্রস্তুত এই ম্যানুয়ালটি খুদ্রায়তন মৎস্যজীবীদের মধ্যে সমুদ্রে সুরক্ষার সচেতনতা বাড়াতে, দুর্ঘটনার সংখ্যা হ্রাস করতে এবং দুর্ঘটনা ঘটলে বেঁচে থাকার সম্ভাবনা বাড়ানোর একটি প্রচেষ্টা । ম্যানুয়ালটি একটি ছোট-আকারের মাছ ধরার জাহাজের কাজ সম্পর্কিত (যেমন, আগুন থেকে নিরাপত্তা , নৌযানের ডেকে সুরক্ষা, জীবনরক্ষার সরঞ্জাম, আলো ও বায়ু চলাচল), ব্যক্তিগত নিরাপত্তা এবং নৌযান চালানোর বিষয়ে নির্দেশনা প্রদান করে । এছাড়া, মাছ ধরতে যাওয়ার আগে কি কি বিষয় নিশ্চিত করা দরকার, এবং কিভাবে সমুদ্রে বেশি সময় বেঁচে থাকা যায় সেই বিষয়েও নির্দেশনা দেওয়া হয়েছে ।
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Regional Workshop on Safety at Sea in Artisanal and Small-scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Paita, Peru, 2–4 July 2007. (Includes a CD-ROM) 2008
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    The Regional Workshop on Safety at Sea in Artisanal and Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean took place in the city of Paita, Peru, from 2 to 4 July 2007. Thirty-seven Latin American experts, as well as experts from Sweden and representatives of FAO and the Latin American Organization for Fisheries Development (OLDEPESCA) participated. The workshop was developed through joint cooperation between the Fishing Technology Service of FAO and OLDEPESCA. During the works hop, the results of the “Study on safety at sea in artisanal and smallscale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean” were presented, as well as other presentations on different aspects of safety at sea by invited experts. In addition, experts from participating countries made presentations on the situation of safety at sea in small-scale fisheries in their respective countries. The information presented was debated in plenary and included such themes as safety at sea in fisheries management, safety measures and fishing operations, registration of information on accidents at sea and legislation, as well as technology, design and construction of vessels. Finally, the framework for a regional strategy on safety of human lives at sea and a work programme whose objective is to strengthen systems on safety at sea through regional and international cooperation was elaborated and approved by the participants. The unedited presentations can be found on the CD-ROM included in this publication.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Safety at sea for small-scale fishers 2019
    This manual on safety at sea for small-scale fishers aims to contribute to a culture of safety awareness among fisherfolk, reduce the number of accidents and increase the chances of survival if accidents occur. The manual provides guidance on safety matters related to the work on a small-scale fishing vessel (e.g. fire safety, deck safety, lifesaving equipment, lighting and ventilation), personal safety and navigation safety. Checks and procedures to be performed before a fishing trip, as well as guidance for survival at sea, are also included in this manual.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Safety at sea for small-scale fishers (Bengali Ed.) 2020
    সমুদ্রে নিরাপত্তার উপর প্রস্তুত এই ম্যানুয়ালটি খুদ্রায়তন মৎস্যজীবীদের মধ্যে সমুদ্রে সুরক্ষার সচেতনতা বাড়াতে, দুর্ঘটনার সংখ্যা হ্রাস করতে এবং দুর্ঘটনা ঘটলে বেঁচে থাকার সম্ভাবনা বাড়ানোর একটি প্রচেষ্টা । ম্যানুয়ালটি একটি ছোট-আকারের মাছ ধরার জাহাজের কাজ সম্পর্কিত (যেমন, আগুন থেকে নিরাপত্তা , নৌযানের ডেকে সুরক্ষা, জীবনরক্ষার সরঞ্জাম, আলো ও বায়ু চলাচল), ব্যক্তিগত নিরাপত্তা এবং নৌযান চালানোর বিষয়ে নির্দেশনা প্রদান করে । এছাড়া, মাছ ধরতে যাওয়ার আগে কি কি বিষয় নিশ্চিত করা দরকার, এবং কিভাবে সমুদ্রে বেশি সময় বেঁচে থাকা যায় সেই বিষয়েও নির্দেশনা দেওয়া হয়েছে ।
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Report of the Regional Workshop on Safety at Sea in Artisanal and Small-scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Paita, Peru, 2–4 July 2007. (Includes a CD-ROM) 2008
    Also available in:

    The Regional Workshop on Safety at Sea in Artisanal and Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean took place in the city of Paita, Peru, from 2 to 4 July 2007. Thirty-seven Latin American experts, as well as experts from Sweden and representatives of FAO and the Latin American Organization for Fisheries Development (OLDEPESCA) participated. The workshop was developed through joint cooperation between the Fishing Technology Service of FAO and OLDEPESCA. During the works hop, the results of the “Study on safety at sea in artisanal and smallscale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean” were presented, as well as other presentations on different aspects of safety at sea by invited experts. In addition, experts from participating countries made presentations on the situation of safety at sea in small-scale fisheries in their respective countries. The information presented was debated in plenary and included such themes as safety at sea in fisheries management, safety measures and fishing operations, registration of information on accidents at sea and legislation, as well as technology, design and construction of vessels. Finally, the framework for a regional strategy on safety of human lives at sea and a work programme whose objective is to strengthen systems on safety at sea through regional and international cooperation was elaborated and approved by the participants. The unedited presentations can be found on the CD-ROM included in this publication.

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