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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGökova fishing tour - Welcome aboard
Safety first
2021Also available in:
No results found.This safety brochure has been prepared for pilot traditional fishing tourism tours in Gökova Bay within the framework of FAO's Blue Hope Initiative in the Mediterranean Sea Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) project and will be distributed to provide tourists with information on basic safety rules onboard. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetCommercial fish species in Gökova Bay / Gökova Körfezi'nde Ticari Avcılığı Yapılan Türler 2021
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No results found.The brochure has been developed under the Blue Hope Initiative in the Mediterranean Sea (TCP/INT/3702) project for the pilot pescatourism tours that will start in the project area as soon as possible. This is a major step in terms of livelihood diversification opportunity for small-scale fisheries in Turkey. These pilot tours will serve as a starting point in understanding the interest/demand from both fishers/tourists in such activity. This brochure will be distributed during the tours to better familiarize the tourists with the commercial fish species in Gökova Bay. Broşür, Akdeniz'de Mavi Umut Girişimi (TCP/INT/3702) projesi kapsamında proje alanında en kısa sürede başlayacak pilot geleneksel balıkçılık turizmi turları için hazırlanmıştır. Bu, Türkiye'deki küçük ölçekli balıkçılık için geçim kaynaklarının çeşitlendirilmesi fırsatı açısından önemli bir adımdır. Bu pilot turlar, balıkçılardan/turistlerden bu tür faaliyetlere olan ilgiyi/talebi anlamak için bir başlangıç noktası olarak hizmet edecektir. Turistlerin Gökova Körfezi'ndeki ticari balık türlerini daha iyi tanımaları için bu broşür turlar sırasında yolculara dağıtılacaktır. -
ProjectTraditional Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck Agroecosystem in Southeast Guizhou, China. Proposal for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
2010Also available in:
No results found.As one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese traditional alpine agriculture, Rice-Fish-Duck Agro-ecosystem can date back to Eastern Han Dynasty. Within thousands of years, this farming practice has been handed down by minority communities of Guizhou, Hunan, and Guangxi Province, particularly by Dong people of Southwest Guizhou. This agro-ecosystem is an evolving result from co-evolution of human culture and natural environment, and it developed an extraordinary living model of sustainab le use of water and soil resources. Dong people in Southwest of Guizhou used to cultivating rice and simultaneously stocking fish and duck, which in nature is a kind of wisdom condensed by countless agricultural practice. Different in approaches but equally satisfactory in results, Traditional Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck Agro-ecosystem and modern organic, vertical and ecological agriculture stand on the same footing in terms of sustainable produce concepts and techniques. They both stress importance t o high-efficiency, low toxicity and healthy food. Xianghe glutinous rice is one of those excellent products of Rice-Fish-Duck model. However, due to the influence of modern economic and societal change, traditional values gradually fade away, whist the excellent agricultural traditional culture confronted with threats and challenges from many aspects. Immediate action should be taken to conservation it. Values of this system need to be explored and assessed.
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