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Book (stand-alone)Proceedings of the workshop and training on forest product statistics,Bangkok, Thailand, 20 - 24 May 2002
Information and Analysis for Sustainable Forest Management: Linking National and International Efforts in South and Southeast Asia
2002Also available in:
No results found.Summary of conference proceedings incorporating the text of papers presented -
BookletFAO elearning Academy: major achievements for 2023
Strengthening capacity to face global challenges
2024Also available in:
No results found.This publication describes the activities and initiatives implemented by the eLearning Academy in 2023.The year 2023 continued to be marked by global challenges. The world had emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, but its impacts on agrifood systems were felt long afterwards. Despite these challenges, there had been a surge in the demand for e-learning worldwide, and in 2023 the numbers continued to soar.With 91 new courses added to the FAO eLearning Academy in 2023, the catalogue of possibilities is broader than ever, helping to develop capacities across the entirety of FAO's mandate, as well as competencies that are essential in our collective pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. -
BookletFAO regional Training on “Capacity building on risk categorization for ranking risk of ASEAN food hazards for developing the risk-based monitoring protocol for food safety” 2019
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No results found.A well-designed risk-based monitoring procedure for food safety hazards is one of the key elements for food safety control system. To ensure the success and effectiveness of establishing a monitoring procedure, a risk-based approach in ranking food hazards should be applied during the initial step for developing any monitoring programme. This would permits governmental and regulatory authorities to allocate resources most effectively for food safety control in their country. The best risk-ranking tool to be used should be selected on the basic of risk management requirements as well as data availability. Risk categorization, or the use of a risk matrix, is an example of a risk ranking tool, which can be applied to microbiological or chemical food safety hazards, when limited quantitative data are available. In order to strengthen the capacity on risk-based monitoring programme, FAO, collaborated with Thai Food and Drug Administration (Thai FDA), held the regional training course on “Capacity building on risk categorization for ranking risk of ASEAN food hazards for developing the risk-based monitoring protocol for food safety” from 23 to 25 April 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. Over 30 participants attended the three-day training course. Through technical presentations, examples of good practices in other countries, and group work session, participants obtained knowledge on the principles of risk categorization. The training course enabled participants to discuss which approach ASEAN would apply for risk categorization for ranking of ASEAN food safety hazards, which further be used for developing the ASEAN risk-based monitoring procedure for one ASEAN common hazard.
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