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Accelerating action to help to end child labour in agriculture in Asia

Regional Workshop on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture, 28 September 2021: Regional report

FAO. 2021. Accelerating action to help to end child labour in agriculture in Asia – Regional Workshop on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture, 29 September 2021: Regional report. Bangkok.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Global Solutions Forum: Acting together to end child labour in agriculture
    Concrete experiences and successful practices shared on 2–3 November 2021
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    On 2–3 November 2021, to mobilize global action and highlight concrete solutions to eradicate child labour in agriculture, FAO, in close collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and in partnership with the International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture (IPCCLA) and the Alliance 8.7, organized a high-level virtual event: the Global Solutions Forum (GSF). The objectives of the GSF were to raise the voices and commitment of agricultural stakeholders, share game-changing solutions, and identify ways to step up concerted action to prevent and end child labour in all agricultural subsectors. The outcomes of the event are expected to inform the V Global Conference on Child Labour in 2022, along with other global initiatives such as the United Nations Decade of Family Farming.
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    Report of the Conference: Accelerating actions to help end child labour in agriculture in Africa
    Virtual meeting, 29 September 2021
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    Child labour is seen as a cause and effect of poverty. Agriculture over the years has also been seen as an entry point for child labours and constitutes over 80% of the child labour population in sub-Saharan African. The Accelerating Action To Help End Child Labour In Agriculture In Africa conference, was organized to find sustainable solutions to eliminate child labour in the region. Finding solutions to this growing social and economic problem requires multiple approach. It is even more important when the solutions must lead to an accelerated change in the already existing narrative in the region and tackle the root causes of the issue which poverty and hunger. Agriculture stakeholder can lead the action that will increase investment into agri-food system, capacity building, providing age-appropriate technology and decent work for the youth. This conference document has compiled the conference proceedings of key agriculture stakeholders in the academia, producer organizations, developing partners and government agencies for a sustainable action. It is anticipated that these solutions will cause the need change required to eliminate child labour from agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Accelerating action to help to end child labour in agriculture in Africa
    FAO Conference for Africa, Virtual Event - 29 September 2021
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    Child labour in agriculture is both a social, economic, and livelihood issue. The cross-cutting nature requires a multiple stakeholder approach in addressing its root causes. In sub-Saharan Africa, the phenomena exist mainly within smallholder farmers but also significantly in capture fishing, livestock, and forestry. Today, the proportion of child labour in agriculture remains at 70 percent. This figure has barely changed over the last decade. What has made this more devasting is the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic which is set to increase the incidence of child labour to exponential levels if stakeholders do not act immediately. To break this vicious cycle and increase the pace of work to end child labour in agriculture, stakeholders should invest into agri-food systems, enhance social protection schemes, governments should make agriculture part of primary education, build the capacity of stakeholders to effect a behavioural change, and develop the required systems to collect data for decision making. These will go a long way as a catalyst to speed up collective efforts to end child labour in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.

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