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Scaling up inclusive innovations in agrifood chains in Asia and the Pacific

Gálvez, E. 2022Scaling up inclusive innovation in agrifood chains in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok, FAO. 

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    Scaling up inclusive digitalization in agricultural value chains
    Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)
    In Asia and the Pacific, digital transformation occurs at all stages of the value chains, from food production to consumption. The ongoing food e-commerce revolution is happening at the same time that mobile-based business models are emerging to provide advisory, marketing and financial services at scale to smallholder farmers. A parallel revolution in Industry 4.0 technologies is taking agro-industries to new levels of efficiency. Digitalization offers great potential for improving the efficiency and sustainability of value chains, and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2 and 13 (No Poverty, Zero Hunger and Climate Action). There are, however, several risks associated with digitalization, from potential job losses to environmental degradation and data governance concerns. Different value chains, and actors within them, digitalize at varying speeds and would therefore require tailored digitalization strategies to leave no one behind. Policymakers in the region need to facilitate the scaling up of digital innovations along agricultural value chains in an inclusive and sustainable manner, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Members are invited to provide guidance on how FAO can best support them in fostering the inclusive digitalization of agricultural and food value chains.
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    Policy brief
    Agrifood chains in Asia and the Pacific
    Benefits and challenges of going digital
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    In Asia and the Pacific, all actors along the agrifood chain, from farmers to agro-industries and retailers, are increasingly using digital technologies to generate, store and process data and turn information into insights. By using a value-chain approach, it becomes evident for policymakers that not all agrifood chains digitalize at the same speed and therefore require tailored digital policies and strategies. The approach also helps identify critical entry points along the value chain for promoting the digitalization of smallholders and small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). The value-chain lens also sheds light on what drives digital transformation: changes in consumer demographics, technological factors, behaviour and preferences, and changes in the broader environment, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, venture capital and increased pressure on natural resources. In light of this, there is an increased emphasis on the urgency of facilitating the sustainable transformation of agrifood chains in the region, particularly when it comes to investing in rural development linked with inequality and tied to the digitalization transformation, diversification and resilience of agrifood systems. These priority topics will not go away immediately after the pandemic is over. They will likely stay at the top of the agenda during the next decade.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Proceedings of the FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
    Rome, 27–29 September 2023
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    The Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC) organized by FAO from 27 to 29 September 2023 provided a neutral platform for global stakeholders to discuss sustainable agricultural mechanization for agrifood systems transformation. The conference covered various themes like crop production, post-harvest and agroprocessing, climate change and resilience, digitalization and automation, supply chain and standards, models and multistakeholder engagement, and creating an enabling environment. The proceedings feature abstracts of speeches and presentations and culminate in a compelling call to action to guide future efforts for promoting sustainable agricultural mechanization towards 2030 and beyond.

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