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Developing Capacity to Reduce Food Loss and Waste in Thailand - GCP/GLO/809/JPN

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    Reducing Food Loss and Waste in Central Asia - GCP/SEC/015/TUR 2023
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    While chronic hunger is on the rise, a considerable amount of food produced is being lost or wasted. In Türkiye alone, an estimated 18 million tonnesof food is lost or wasted each year, that is, more than 20 percent of all food produced in the country. Reducing food loss and waste (FLW) is therefore a key objective in Central Asia subregion to achieve food security, improve food value chains and reduce the environmental footprint of food systems. However, the scale and complexity of the problem requires a holistic, multidisciplinary response involving all actors and stakeholders. Curbing FLW implies not only the revision of institutional and legal frameworks, and improvement in the methods of production, conservation and distribution of food, but also a change in resource-intensive consumption patterns and increasing awareness among all actors in the food supply chain, as well as consumers. Funded by the Government of Türkiye, the project, implemented from November 2019 to April 2023, aimed to support Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in developing measures to reduce FLW in the context of national food systems and climate change. Two components were implemented: (i) a regional component, consisting of an FLW reduction campaign and the establishment of an interactive partnership network; and (ii) national components for six countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan) consisting of the formulation of national FLW reduction strategies and training in FLW measurement, analysis, monitoring, accounting and reporting.
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    Sub-Regional Capacity Development: Workshop series on Food Losses and Food Waste Measurement and Reporting
    1st meeting: online, 9 December 2020; 2nd meeting: online, end January/February 2021; 3rd meeting: face-to-face or online, Spring/Summer 2021
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    Regional Strategic Framework Reducing Food Losses and Waste in the Near East & North Africa Region 2015
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    Food losses and waste (FL&W) in the Near East & North Africa (NENA) region are high and contribute to reduced food availability, aggravated water scarcity, adverse environmental impacts and increased food imports, in an already highly import-dependent region. This document outlines a Regional Strategic Framework for reducing food losses and waste in the region. It responds to the FAO NERC-31 (in May 2012) recommendation calling on FAO to “assist member countries in addressing the key challenges of reducing food waste and losses by conducting comprehensive studies on impact of food losses and waste on food security in the region and in establishing a plan to reduce food losses and waste in the region by 50% within 10 years”. The components of the strategic framework are based on the region’s socio-economic context, gaps in combating FL&W, and availability of resources.

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