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Forest and Farm Facility

Amplifying the power of forest and farm producer groups

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Women’s empowerment through collective action
    How can forest and farm producer organisations can make a difference
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    This research report explores different organisational structures and social and cultural services from a gender-equality and women’s empowerment perspective. More specifically, it examines how access to social and cultural services can facilitate women’s participation in economic and political life. The producer organisation business model provides advantages in creating job opportunities and access to markets for women, positive spill-over effects in both household and group businesses, and access to social services such as vocational trainings, childcare and maternity leave – all of which support women to participate in the labour market on a more equal footing with men.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Forest and Farm Facility. Country factsheet
    Viet Nam
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    This factsheet gives some highlights of the impact of FFF support in Viet Nam, as well as some achievements by the numbers, and some lessons learnt. Summary of the impact in Viet Nam: Seven value chains quickly advanced by local Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs) supported by the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) in tree nurseries, acacia and magnolia timber, cinnamon products, star anise oil, tea, pomelo and forest chickens. Collective action by FFPOs allowed them to achieve more: investing in business and production techniques, creating better value products, increasing markets and information, achieving better prices, signing contracts with companies and traders, gaining a stronger voice with local authorities.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Forest and Farm Facility. Country factsheet
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    This facsheets gives some highlights of the impact of FFF support in Kenya, as well as some achievements by the numbers, and some lessons learnt. Summary of the impact in Kenya: • 46 percent to 65 percent jump in average incomes for hundreds of thousands of forest and farm producers through strengthened Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs), due to support from Forest and Farm Facility (FFF). • Scaled up organization of, and support for, FFPO businesses has been strong. Strengthening six product-based associations allowed organizations to reach more producers and grow membership by 800 percent, indirectly benefiting about 20 000 people (3 492 households). The Farm Forestry Smallholders Association of Kenya (FF-SPAK) became member of the Kenya National Farmers Federation (KENAFF) which counts 2.2 million members.

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