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Launch of FAO Report "Sustainable Nitrogen Management in Agrifood Systems"

20 January 2025

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Sustainable nitrogen management in agrifood systems
    Report brief
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    The FAO report "Sustainable Nitrogen Management in Agrifood Systems" provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities related to nitrogen use in agrifood systems. The report explores solutions to enhance nitrogen use efficiency in crop and animal production and elaborates on the magnitude, sources, and pathways of nitrogen flows and losses, and associated environmental impacts such as eutrophication, acidification and biodiversity loss. The report suggests sector-specific approaches to enhance nutrient use efficiency, including the adoption of circular bioeconomy practices, and policy recommendations to promote sustainable nitrogen management. This in brief version summarizes the main messages, key actions and policy options for sustainable nitrogen management in agrifood systems.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Sustainable nitrogen management in agrifood systems 2025
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    Nitrogen is an essential element in the natural environment, forming critical compounds necessary for all living organisms. As it cycles through air, soil, and water, nitrogen is fundamental to ecosystem functionality. However, improper management of nitrogen in agrifood systems can degrade air, water, and soil quality, while excessive extraction from soils leads to soil degradation, biodiversity loss, and exacerbation of climate change. This FAO report provides a comprehensive overview of nitrogen's role, and the challenges associated with its use in agrifood systems. It explores solutions for improving nitrogen management in crop and livestock systems to enhance nitrogen use efficiency while reducing pollution. Additionally, it highlights the potential of circular bioeconomy approaches to optimize nitrogen management and minimize nitrogen losses. By adopting balanced nitrogen practices, agrifood systems can be transformed to ensure food security, improved nutrition, and sustainable livelihoods for farmers while minimizing negative environmental impacts.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Application of nitrogen-fixing systems in soil improvement and management
    FAO Soils Bulletin No.49
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    In view of the continuing increase in cost and scarcity of mineral fertilizers resulting from the use of high-cost fossil energy, there is renewed interest in organic recycling and biological nitrogen-fixation to improve soil fertility and productivity. The workshop in Alexandria recommended the further promotion of research, development, application and dissemination of information available on various aspects of biological nitrogen-fixation, including symbiotic systems of rhizobia/legume and Azolla/blue-green algae, and free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria and blue-green algae. It is hoped that the compilation of various aspects of nitrogen-fixation under one cover in this Bulletin will be of interest and assistance to research workers and extension planners concerned with the further development and refinement of these natural systems for soil improvement and management.

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