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DocumentConcept Note for the "International training on the Rice Value Chains and Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Strategies and Hire Services" – 12–16 December 2022
for the United Republic of Tanzania, Côte d'Ivoire and the Philippines
2022Also available in:
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Book (stand-alone)Hire Services as a Business Enterprise
A Training Manual for Small-Scale Mechanization Service Providers
2018Also available in:
This manual is specifically designed to help train actual and potential farm mechanization service providers, in order to increase access to sustainable farm power to raise the productivity of smallholder farmers. It focuses on two crucial aspects: the provision of farm mechanization services as a viable business opportunity for entrepreneurs, and the essential criteria of raising productivity in an environmentally sensitive and responsible way i.e. that includes conservation agriculture. Practical guidance on the essential business development and management skills required to successfully run a mechanization service provision business are presented, with a focus on the equipment required to offer services compatible with conservation agriculture. The manual will be of particular interest to policymakers’ intent on achieving sustainable intensification in the agricultural sector. It is also a valuable resource for trainers charged with increasing the supply of welltrained and well-equipped entrepreneurial mechanization service providers through the implementation of training courses tailored to the specific course locations. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetWomen leading mechanization hire services: An inspiring story from Chiti village, Nepal 2023
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No results found.Nepal, a landlocked country known for its mountain peaks including Mount Everest — the world’s tallest peak, is home to Chiti village. Most households of Chiti village rely on agriculture and wage labour for their livelihoods. Rice, maize and wheat are the main staple crops. Farmers from the village would walk for more than two hours several times during the harvest seasons to process their grains at the nearest mill centre. To address this problem, 27 women formed the so-called mother’s group in 2015, with a simple yet powerful objective: to establish a mill and provide hire mechanization services to their community. Seven years later, the mill is still running and providing mechanization services to the community with an average net annual profit of about USD 1000. The group recovered the initial investment only three years after its creation. “The purpose behind establishing the mill was to provide services to the community rather than for business purposes” explained Ms Tiwari. The group either saves the profit from the mill or uses it for social development activities within the community. As an example, the group donated a portion of the profit to the community’s public school. This story of determined women in rural communities hopes to inspire others to collaborate, work together to solve their problems and be empowered.
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