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No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentMALAWI: Smallholder Irrigation Subsector Programme: Socio-Economic and Production System Study of Wetland Use
Socio-economic and Production Systems Study - 1996
1996Also available in:
No results found.In preparing an investment project, development strategies and project components are defined and revisited during project formulation through a consultative process that often includes Socio-economic and Production Systems Studies. These studies are conducted to develop an appreciation of the situation in which the intended beneficiaries live, and their perceptions of their problems, needs and priorities. The main objective of the present study was to increase understanding of the characteristi cs, needs, and priorities of communities in Malawi who have access to wetlands, with a view to determining ways in which investments under the programme evaluated could help small farmer households improve their situation by making better use of the wetlands. -
No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentNon-wood forest products and income generation 1999The range of efforts required to develop the full potential of NWFPs is wide indeed. Land-use and forest policies need to be evaluated and where necessary adapted to ensure that potential impacts on non-wood forest resources and products are taken into consideration. Increased research on the abundance, distribution, biology and ecology of non-wood forest resources is essential. Of particular importance are investigations into ways to improve the employment- and income-generating potential of NW FPs through better harvesting, storage, transport, processing, manufacturing and marketing. The articles in this issue of Unasylva explore various facets of the challenge of generating income through the sustainable management of NWFPs.
No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentEGYPT: Socio-Economic and Production Systems (Sohag Governorate)
Socio-economic and Production Systems Study - 1995
1995Also available in:
No results found.In preparing an investment project, development strategies and project components are defined and revisited during project formulation through a consultative process that often includes Socio-economic and Production Systems Studies. These studies are conducted to develop an appreciation of the situation in which the intended beneficiaries live, and their perceptions of their problems, needs and priorities. The present study was carried out to support preparation of a poverty alleviation project in Egypt, targeted to help rural villages in the Sohag Governorate reduce poverty by implementing participatory micro-projects under the umbrella of the National Programme for Integrated Rural Development. The project aimed to improve the income and quality of life in rural communities and to improve equitable access to credit for the rural poor, unemployed youth and women. In addition, the project sought to enhance local capacity to programme, appraise, co-finance, implement and manage rural in frastructure projects and services.
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