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Culture of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in the Republic of Korea

Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project

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    Book (series)
    Production of triploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) spat
    A practical manual
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    Naturally spawned oysters are typically diploid, each cell containing two sets of chromosomes. Diploid oysters exhibit seasonal variability in condition because they spawn during the summer months following a period of ripening as sea temperatures warm. Often this coincides with the peak period for selling oysters in many countries. Triploid oysters contain three sets of chromosomes and because they are for the most part sterile, they can maintain suitable market quality throughout the year and have organoleptic qualities that are preferred by many consumers. Growth of triploids is generally much faster than diploids grown under the same conditions. For these reasons, many hatcheries produce triploid oysters. Triploid oysters can be readily produced in hatcheries using either direct induction techniques or by first producing tetraploid oysters and then using sperm from male tetraploids to fertilise eggs from diploid females. There are several different direct techniques to induce triploidy, including physical treatments such as pressure, temperature or salinity shock or chemical treatments using either cytochalasin B or 6-Dimethyl aminopurine (6-DMAP).
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Small-scale Oyster Culture on the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia - BOBP/REP/63 1993
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    This paper describes small-scale oyster culture trials carried out in the states of Kedah and Perak on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Rafts and longlines were found to be economically viable and the technology was transferred to fishermen. Spat of the slipper oyster, Crassostrea iredalei, were transplanted from the east coast of peninsular Malaysia to the west coast sites. Small-scale depuration units were established at farm sites and a series of market promotions successfully un dertaken. Hatchery seed production and remote setting were done by biologists and staff of the Fisheries Research Institute with assistance from temporarily hired field biologists. Artificial spat production was necessary to supplement short supplies of wild spat. Acknowledgement is due to the Director General of Fisheries, Malaysia, Dato Shahrom bin Haji Abdul Majid, for his kind support and permission to publish this paper. Thanks are also due to the Director of Research, Mr. Ong K ah Sin, for his guidance and encouragement, and to Messrs. Ng Fong Oon and Kamal Zaman for their contributions. The trials were undertaken from 1988 till mid-1993 as a BOBP subproject under the regional project “Small- scale Fisherfolk Communities in the Bay of Bengal” (GCP/RAS/ll8/MUL) funded by DANIDA (Danish International Development Assistance) and SIDA (Swedish International Development Authority).
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    Aquaculture development and coordination programme. Fish feed technology. Lectures presented at the FAO/UNDP Training Course in Fish Feed Technology, Seattle, Washington, 9 October - 15 December 1978 1980
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    The need for developing suitable feeds based on locally available inexpensive ingredients has been widely recognized. Since lack of trained personnel is the main constraint in the development of fish feed technology in developing countries, the FAO/UNDP Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme (ADCP) organized a special training course in fish feed technology at the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, with a view to forming a small corps of fish feed specialists wh o could then be the focal points for future feed development programmes in their respective countries. The first report of the training course was presented in the report ADCP /REP/79/8. This present volume represents the edited texts of lectures presented by different specialists. Some additional material has been included for more complete coverage of the subject. Together, these texts may be considered to constitute a manual on fish feed technology, even though they were not prepared for that purpose. Twenty-six papers are included, under the general headings: (1) Digestion, physiology and anatomy; (2) nutritional bioenergetics; (3) nutritional biochemistry; (4) feedstuffs; (5) feed formulation; (6) feed manufacturing technology; (7) practical diets; and (8) quality control. Appendices include conversion tables, electrical data, and details on pelletability of selective feedstuffs, pellet die specifications, and equipment requirements for an 8 ton an hour feed mill.

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