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MeetingWorking Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems. Forest and Agriculture Linkages: Strengthening forest and rangeland resilience through restoring silvopastoral systems for better drought and economic management - COFO/WG-DF/2023/4
Third Session (Hybrid), Amman, 11–13 September 2023
2023Scaling up sustainable land management is a priority area of work for FAO. The Twenty-fifth Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) commended FAO’s cross-sectoral work on enhancing the contributions of forests and trees for sustainable agriculture and food systems by engaging both private and public stakeholders. A joint intersessional Roadmap on forestry-agriculture linkages was developed and endorsed by the Bureau of Committee on Agriculture (COAG) and the Steering Committee of COFO. -
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