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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetDeveloping an anticipatory action system
E-learning fact sheet
2021Also available in:
No results found.This fact sheet describes the course that provides guidance to set-up an anticipatory action system, i.e. a set of provisions to link early warning signals to anticipatory action options and implementation arrangements. The course focuses on anticipatory action in the context of food security and agriculture. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetBuilding a crisis timeline 2023
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No results found.This short course provides an overview of how to build a crisis timeline to support the design of anticipatory actions using a phased approach. It focuses on slow-onset hazards and uses drought as an illustrative example. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetThe global rinderpest action plan - Post-eradication 2022
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No results found.This fact sheet describes the course that addresses the need for preparedness in order to maintain freedom from rinderpest in the post-eradication era. It illustrates a stepwise approach to preparing and preventing the reintroduction of rinderpest, investigating and reporting a suspected case, and responding to and recovering from rinderpest re-emergence, if it occurs. These stages are described in the framework of the Global Rinderpest Action Plan - Post-eradication (GRAP) for adoption and implementation at national, regional and international levels. The GRAP framework can also be applied to other transboundary animal diseases and zoonoses.
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