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Action Plan for Safety, Social Protection and Decent Work in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) Region

FAO. 2024. Action Plan for Safety, Social Protection and Decent Work in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) Region. Rome. 

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    Plan of action for enhanced safety, decent work and social protection in the fisheries sector of the Bay of Bengal Programme region (BOBSAFE) 2023
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    The marine fisheries sector in Bangladesh, India, Maldives, and Sri Lanka, the member countries of the Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO), plays a pivotal role in advancing their economies and providing livelihoods for millions of fishers. However, the sector also grapples with numerous challenges, including occupational safety conditions and insufficient social protection for fishers. To tackle these issues, the BOBP-IGO, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has developed the Plan of action for enhanced safety, decent work and social protection in the fisheries sector of the Bay of Bengal Programme region (BOBSAFE). This plan addresses the safety of vessels and equipment, underscoring the importance of standard designs and construction plans for fishing vessels. It advocates for vessel registration and licensing; inspection of vessel yards to ensure adherence to safety standards; adoption of international codes and guidelines for fishing vessel safety; provision of decent working conditions and social protection to fishers; formalizing labour contracts; and enhancing search and rescue capabilities. This Plan of action aligns with SDG 1.3 (implementing social protection systems for all), SDG 8 (promoting decent work and economic growth), SDG 5 (achieving gender equality), and SDG 14 (conserving and sustainably using the oceans).
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Stepping up resilient and sustainable small-scale fisheries and aquaculture: Policy considerations to sustain the achievements from the IYAFA 2022 celebration in the Western Central Atlantic 2024
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    The theme for the IYAFA celebration in WECAFC was ‘Resilience and Recovery,’ with a specific focus on gender and youth. The selection of Resilience and Recovery was significant for this region as it took place during the world’s recovery from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Small-scale fishers and fish farmers across the region were severely affected by the pandemic, impacting their social and economic well-being. Therefore, the chosen themes reflected a regional effort to support the recovery of small- scale fishers and fish farmers by leveraging their collective efforts. The inclusion of gender and youth as cross-cutting themes also recognized the vital roles these groups play in ensuring the sustainability of the region’s fisheries. These main themes were further supported by three subthemes: social resilience, innovation, and intersectoral linkages.
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    Vigo Dialogue 2018 on Decent Work in Fisheries and Aquaculture. Social Responsability on the Fisheries Value Chain 2018
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    Vigo Dialogue on decent work in fisheries and aquaculture. Fish is one of the world’s most traded food commodities with millions of people depending on fisheries as a source of jobs, income and livelihoods. In 2016, FAO data indicates that 59 million people were directly engaged in the primary sector of capture fisheries and aquaculture. Numerous international and national initiatives are now calling for increased social responsibility and improvements of social and labour conditions in fisheries value chains. Such initiatives are increasingly supported by governments, non-governmental organizations, industry, certification schemes and international governmental organizations and agencies.

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