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No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentForest Genetic Resources 2002The recently released Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) was based on an intensive, five-year effort carried out by FAO in cooperation with national forestry agencies from nearly every country of the world, a large number of research centres and academic institutions, and a number of international, regional and non-governmental organizations. Within the framework of the FRA programme, a vast amount of information on the status and trends in forest area, natural forests, plantations, pro tected areas, sustainable forest management and other, related variables, was collected and analysed.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Forest Genetic Resources No. 27 1999The recently held 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources, reported on in the present issue of Forest Genetic Resources, reviewed work carried out since the previous Session of the Panel (see Forest Genetic Resources 25, 1997), discussed priorities for action and made recommendations on future focus of FAO's activities. The Panel emphasized the need for FAO to continue to promote, support and help coordinate action at international level. Noting the contribution to huma n welfare, rural development and alleviation of hunger and poverty that work in forest genetic resources could provide, the Panel stressed the need for FAO to help ensure that technically and scientifically sound information was available to relevant fora, and thus help promote the integration of forest genetic resources considerations into programmes contributing to sustainable resource use and overall national development. The Panel noted that funding in forest genetics was increasingly divert ed towards the development of molecular methods, while support for basic biological studies and tree improvement was frequently inadequate or provided on a short-term basis. It was stressed that modern biotechnologies were of value only when used as tools within the framework of sound conservation and breeding programmes. The article on the applications for microsatellites in this issue of Forest Genetic Resources provides an example of the potential which modern technologies offer for contribut ing to the sustained development of forestry.
No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentFAO/IUFRO meeting on forest genetics 1964An international journal of forestry and forest industries
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