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Book (series)Report of the Workshop on the Small Pelagic Resources of Angola, Congo and Gabon. Luanda, Angola, 3-7 November 1997 2000
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No results found.The document includes the national reports by Angola, Congo and Gabon on their small pelagic resources and the fisheries utilizing them. At the workshop, a total of seven working groups were formed to look at the following topics: • methods and results of the hydroacoustic surveys used to estimate the biomasses of small pelagic resources in the three countries; • migration and distribution of Sardinella maderensis; • development of an age-structured model of the Trachurus trecae stoc k; • assessments of Sardinella spp. and Trachurus trecae stocks using surplus production approaches; • surplus production models and the environment (applications of CLIMPROD); • estimation of the growth rate of Trachurus trecae; and • Ethmalosa fimbriata. The reports from each of these working groups are presented in this document. In addition, the final conclusions and recommendations arising from the discussions and analyses undertaken at the workshop are presented here. -
DocumentAngola: Food and Agriculture Organization Angola Country Programming Framework 2013-2017 2012
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No results found.This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out priority areas to guide FAO’s partnership with and support to the Government of Angola (GoA), bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise during the five years 2013 – 2017. The CPF was prepared following extensive consultation with the government and development partners during 2012. The CPF puts an emphasis on sustainably increasing food security and nutrition by building in stitutional and smallholder capacities in production, the sustainable management of natural resources while at the same time increasing the resilience of rural livelihoods to climatic shocks and threats. -
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