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Data editing and validation of input data

Statistical Standard Series

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    FAO/WHO Global Individual Food Consumption Data Tool (FAO/WHO GIFT): Developing Capacities at Country Level to Produce Dietary Data to Support Evidence-Based Policy Making - TCP/INT/3706 2023
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    To make informed policy decisions ensuring food and nutrition security for all, it is crucial to have access to relevant dietary information Beyond information on country and household level food availability, data on individual quantitative food consumption ( is crucial to assess the nutritional adequacy of the population’s diet For this purpose, FAO and the World Health Organization ( have developed a global database on IQFC data under a joint initiative, the FAO/WHO global individual food consumption data tool (FAO/WHO GIFT) The platform is intended to support evidence based policymaking by providing harmonized information on food consumption As of yet, this tool is underutilized by governments given its limited dissemination scope and lack of harmonization of country datasets The project was designed to enable national institutes from Kenya, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nigeria and the Philippines to collect and harmonize their IQFC data and support informed decision making to improve national nutrition policies These four countries were chosen given their recent or planned IQFC surveys and the interest from governmental partners The project provided capacity building trainings to data managers in dietary data collection and harmonization in order to share the most recent data on the FAO/WHO GIFT platform In addition, it encouraged government counterparts to leverage these harmonized datasets to develop food based dietary guidelines FBDGs).
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    Validation of methods and data for SDG indicators 2019
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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator framework represents a major challenge and a unique opportunity for the advancement of the global statistical system, both in terms of methodological development and governance. Over the past three years, the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG indicators (IAEG-SDG) has gradually developed a number of documents providing criteria and guidelines for regulating data flows between countries and custodian agencies needed to inform the global SDG reporting process. The validation of methods and data for SDG indicators, while apparently consisting of two completely separate matters, have been closely linked in the SDG process. When validating country data, National Statistics Offices (NSOs) are effectively also certifying the specific methodology used by the custodian agency for the compilation of the indicator, in particular the data source used and the adjustments made to harmonize national definitions and classifications. This article highlights some of the main challenges in the practical implementation of the guidelines on data flows, identifies areas in need of further guidance from the IAEG-SDG and provides some proposals aimed at improving the global SDG reporting process.
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