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FAO OCOP intiative theme poster

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    FAO OCOP initiative global poster 2024
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    The One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative which is a flagship initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It helps countries identify and promote their Special Agricultural Products (SAPs) opening doors to new markets regionally and globally. SAPs are unique agricultural products with special characteristics tied to the local geography and cultural heritage.Since its launch in September 2021, 87 countries across all five FAO regions have joined the OCOP initiative promoting 55 SAPs as of September 2024. The aim of this intiative is to optimize the value chain including production, processing, storage and marketing of the SAPs, minimise negative environmental and social impacts, and maximising benefits for farmers and valu chain actors.
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    OCOP RNE Posters 2024
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    FAO launched the Global Action on “One Country One Priority Product” (OCOP) to contribute to the implementation of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31 and ultimately achieve the Sustainable Development Goals to promote inclusive, profitable, and environmentally sustainable food systems through the development of Special Agricultural Products (SAPs). The aim is to optimize the production systems; minimize food loss and waste, the misuse of agricultural chemicals; and maximize incomes to enable the transition to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems.These country posters will be presented at exhibitions relevant to OCOP to share and disseminate their experiences, innovations and technologies during the development of their Special Agricultural Products.
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