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Book (series)Climate change implications for fishing communities in the Lake Chad Basin
What have we learned and what can we do better? FAO/Lake Chad Basin Commission Workshop 18–20 November 2011 N’Djamena, Chad
2012Also available in:
No results found.These Proceedings include (1) the Report of and (2) the background paper prepared for the Workshop on Climate change - implications for fishing communities in the Lake Chad Basin: What have we learned and what can we do better? The Workshop was hosted by the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) from 18 to 20 November 2011, attended by the Lake Chad Basin countries of Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Niger and Nigeria, and financed through a Japanese-funded, and Food and Agriculture O rganization of the United Nations (FAO)-implemented, project component on Fisheries management and marine conservation within a changing ecosystem context (GCP/INT/253/JPN), in collaboration with LCBC. Presentation topics included: the hydrology of the Lake Chad region, national contexts of climate change and fisheries, identification and reduction of climate change vulnerability in the fisheries of the Lake Chad Basin and an overview of current projects on Lake Chad. Discussions largely focused on: hydrology and climate trends of the Lake Chad basin, national perspectives on impacts and adaptations of climate change, current natural resources projects in the Lake Chad Basin and recommendations for actions to increase adaptability and resilience to be carried out. The workshop recommended that there is more coordinated action and information sharing regarding natural resources, and increased cooperation between LCBC member State governments to support and strengthen existing political commitments in the Lake Chad Basin for effective aquatic resource use management to ensure sustainable development of land and aquatic based activities in the basin. -
ProjectTerminal Report - Improved Livelihoods in Post-harvest Fisheries in Cameroon, chad, The Gambia and Senegal
2007Also available in:
The pilot project for “Improved livelihoods in post harvest fisheries” is the third of SFLP’s three pilot projects, PP3. A planning workshop held in Cotonou in 2002 established the project framework and made recommendations for the design of the project. The design team of the project made field visits to the four participating countries (Cameroon, Chad, Gambia and Senegal) and met with the SFLP Coordination Unit (Rome) and it’s Regional Support Unit (Cotonou) during the course of 2003 . National design teams with the facilitation of the international design team identified national and regional activities consistent with the goal, purpose and outputs agreed to at the Cotonou workshop. A project memorandum, including logical framework, work-plan, calendar and proposed budget, was drafted during the country visits. The Programme Steering Committee approved the project in July 2003 and the Memorandum of Understanding signed between FAO and the respective authorities for fisheries in the countries between May and June 2004 for the project to be implemented in a period of 36 months. SFLP -
Book (stand-alone)Lake Chad Basin crisis - Response strategy (2017-2019) 2017
Also available in:
In the past year, FAO scaled up its capacities and level of interventions to respond to the Lake Chad Basin crisis. In order to address food security and livelihoods-related needs on a larger scale and timeframe, the next relevant step is to provide FAO with a three year Resilience Strategy for the Lake Chad Basin – with focus on Northeast Nigeria. The document presents in a concise and comprehensive manner the impact of the crisis on food security and livelihoods in Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. FAO’s twin-track approach is developed with emphasis on FAO’s strategic framework of intervention, including outcomes, outputs and cross-cutting priorities at the sub-regional level. Focus is also made on the country-specific plans of action.
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