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Improving the generic range for agroecological innocation adoption. an application to improved fallows in Martinique

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    Analysis of the Constraints and Opportunities in South West Uganda for the Adoption of a Range of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practicies Using Multi-Level Stakeholder Analysis 2010
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    With the continual rise of global commodity prices and increasing population pressures worldwide, the future of agriculture is looking increasingly unstable. As a result of this escalating demand and intensification of unsustainable agricultural techniques, natural resources are facing an increasing threat of depletion. Knowing this, the agricultural potential of sub-Saharan Africa has been relatively ignored and as a globally recognised process, Sustainable Land Management (SLM) will play an im portant role in addressing these pressures, without jeopardising the sustainability of the region. Although conceptually simple, the adoption of SLM is surrounded by many constraints embedded within the stakeholder levels, of policy makers, technocrats and farmers. The opportunities to address the reluctance of adoption SLM are also apparent at this same level, and the analysis therefore takes place across a multi-level stakeholder structure. This research piece highlights the region specific co nstraints and opportunities for implementing SLM whilst also offering recommendations and further research topics as a guideline for future management initiatives and policies.
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    A Recreational Fisheries Economic Impact Assessment Manual and its application in two study cases in the Caribbean: Martinique and The Bahamas 2016
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    The manual is intended to help countries within the wider Caribbean Region better understand the size and contributions from recreation fishing to their economies. The methods proposed within can be applied to other countries outside this region, too. The results are meant to explain the economic impacts at the national and regional level, not to the individual. Measures of recreational fishing’s impacts upon individuals are a valid concern, and may represent a second or separate effort on the p art of the countries using this document. The manual was tested in Bahamas and Martinique and the resulst of these tests are included in the circular.
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    The Utilization of Indigenous Knowledge in Range Management and Forage Plants for Improving Livestock Productivity and Food Security in the Maasai and Barbaig Communities 2005
    Pastoralists have been keeping animals long time immemorial and they possess valuable knowledge that has enabled them to sustain their animals for centuries (Warren, 1992). The Maasai and Barbaig indigenous knowledge (IK) and skills in animal husbandry, range management and forage plants play a significant role in improving sustainable animal productivity, conservation of biodiversity and household food security.

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