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No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Woodfuel Production and Marketing in India - National workshop
Regional Wood Energy Development Programme In Asia - GCP/RAS/154/NET
2000Also available in:
No results found.Among the old concepts related with wood energy that time and time again turn up are that something is wrong with wood energy, that woodfuel is becoming increasingly scarce, and that wood energy threatens our soils and forests. The National Workshop at the National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow, made serious attempts to put these issues and others into perspective and to draw sensible conclusions from the information at hand. The discussions of the workshop participants led t o a number of valuable recommendations for those concerned with woodfuel production and marketing in India. This report on Woodfuel Production and Marketing may be of use to all professionals interested in wood energy development in India. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Woodfuel Production and Marketing in Pakistan - National workshop
Regional Wood Energy Development Programme In Asia - GCP/RAS/154/NET
2000Also available in:
No results found.Biomass fuels play an important role in the energy balance of Pakistan. They meet over 45% of the energy demand, of which the share of woodfuel alone is about 25%. Information on the supply side of woodfuels is quite striking. As much as 90% of the woodfuels is being supplied from non-forest land of different types which are under private, community or government ownership and/or management. The present publication on Woodfuel Production and Marketing in Pakistan reports on the national wor kshop in Punjab which was coordinated by RWEDP. Two institutions, the Punjab Forestry Research Institute (PFRI) and the Marketing Division (MD), University of Agriculture (UA), have collaborated in hosting the national workshop in Faisalabad, in October 1997. Important issues related to woodfuel production and marketing were discussed by the experts from agencies of the government and selected NGO's. The workshop has recommended a number of actions which will further strengthen the wood energy s ector. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Summary Report - National Training Course on Woodfuel Production and Marketing in Forest, Agriculture and Tree Production Systems
Regional Wood Energy Development Programme In Asia - GCP/RAS/154/NET
1996Also available in:
No results found.The national training course on "Woodfuel Production and Marketing in Forest, Agriculture and Tree Production Systems" was organised by the Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) in collaboration with RWEDP in April 1996 in Hanoi. The course was a follow-up of the sub-regional training course on woodfuel production held in Indonesia in 1995. The course brought together representatives of energy and forestry agencies to review problems related to the production, marketing and use of biom ass energy in Vietnam. The participants also received guidelines for formulating and implementing wood energy programmes, not only in the energy and forestry sectors, but also in sectors concerned with agriculture and rural development. The report contains English summaries of the papers orginally presented in Vietnamese. They discuss the assessment of wood energy supply and marketing in Vietnam, the use of biomass energy for residential and industrial purposes, and economic aspects.
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