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ArticleCommunity-based conservation for protection of avifauna diversity at Keshopur, Punjab, India's first community reserve
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.People’s participation or community involvement in biodiversity conservation gained importance across the globe and since 1990’s in India. Wetlands ecosystem conservation is one initiative towards achieving sustainability. One such wetland namely Keshopur Miani, in Gurdaspur district, Punjab, India remained unnoticed for long time despite its ecological fragility and importance. This wetland was unique as a landlocked fresh water ecosystem fed by undying Ravi river, interspersed with fertile agricultural lands and jointly owned by five villages as common property resource. Historically they were even duck shooting grounds during erstwhile British period but presently under fish farming and agriculture due to fragmentation of habitat. But these wetlands attract large number of migratory birds including Sarus and common cranes during winter migration. The area due to its ecological significance had been attempted to be protected under Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Traditional attempts of the department have not yielded any positive outcome as the land ownership remained as village common lands. However, with the advent in amendments in Indian Wildlife Protection Act, this area was attempted to be declared as unique community reserve under the provisions of amended act. In this category, both the objectives of not alienating the ownership and effective protection of avifauna was achieved by involving local villagers and their effective participation in managing the protected area. Thus Keshopur Miani Chhamb, India's First ever Community Reserve was declared in 2007 and now a Ramsar site. This paper discusses the process of formation, management, strategies of stakeholder engagement, implementation and gainful employment in through people’s participation. Later Kathlour – Kushlian Wildlife sanctuary in Government protected forest and Ranjit Sagar Dam Conservation Reserve were declared adding more protection to the significant biodiversity of the district. Keywords: People participation, Ecosystem, Conservation, Wetlands, Chhamb, Keshopur, CommunityReserve, India, Punjab, Habitat Conservation, Wildlife Protection ID: 3488995 -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetInFO News 40 – May 2016. Poachers or protectors? Striking the right balance between local community wellbeing and wildlife conservation 2016
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DocumentFinal Evaluation of the Project “Sustainable Community-Based Management and Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems in Cameroon”
Project evaluation - Main report
2018Also available in:
Mangrove ecosystems provide a wide range of resources and services for people's livelihoods, which at the same time give rise to strong economic, social and demographic pressure. To address these challenges, the GEF project "Sustainable community-based management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems in Cameroon” developed strategic documents on mangroves; created platforms to promote dialogue among stakeholders; produced information on the status of mangroves in Cameroon and established a permanent monitoring system for determining changes in these ecosystems; and contributed to the launch and advancement to the final stages of processes for the classification of protected areas. While the project contributed to several outcomes at institutional level and it also increased community awareness on the importance of mangrove ecosystems, it did not achieve the expected results in support to long-term sustainability of local communities’ livelihoods. Moving forward, to see impacts there is still the need for a consolidation phase both at community and institutional level.
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