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DocumentAgriculture and Poverty Reduction. Is agriculture still the key to rural development? 2007
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No results found.This paper examines the relationship between rurality and poverty, and the role the agricultural sector can play in rural development, poverty reduction, and overall development. The historical views regarding the role of the primary sector in development are presented, and then using original data, the paper argues that there was an historical misjudgment against the primary sector that served as a foundation for anti-agricultural bias in public policy until the late 80’s. Finally, this paper explains how under certain conditions territorial/regional development strategies may prosper, but in other conditions, particularly in the least-developed countries rural space, agriculture is still necessarily the starting point for rural development. -
Book (series)Analysis of alternative routes of public investment in agriculture and their impact on economic growth and rural poverty reduction in Nicaragua 2020
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In the face of the economic downturn that Nicaragua experienced in 2018 and the need for a recovery, the study provides a comparative analysis of how investments in productive infrastructure in different agri-food sectors would impact growth and poverty. The analysis is based on scenarios generated through an economy-wide model representing the Nicaraguan economy and its sectors. The model includes financing constraints and the study explores different financing options for the new investments. -
Book (stand-alone)Agricultural Development and food security in Sub-saharian Africa (SSA)
Building a Case for more Public Support - The case of Nigeria
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