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BookletAGRIS, Sistemul Internațional pentru Știința și Tehnologia Agricolă
Ghidul utilizatorului
2020Also available in:
AGRIS este una dintre cele mai ample baze de date pentru literatura științifică din domeniul alimentației și agriculturii la nivel mondial. Accesibile printr-un portal web, milioane de înregistrări bibliografice în 90 de limbi diferite sunt disponibile gratuit pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume. Este o rețea internațională de furnizori de date, inclusiv editori, organizații guvernamentale, care oferă informații voluntare (metadate) despre publicațiile științifice. Acestea sunt furnizate în formate multilingve și includ frecvent legături cu textul integral pentru a conecta utilizatorii la literatura științifică din întreaga lume. În ultimii ani, AGRIS a evoluat într-o sursă de informații recunoscută la nivel global, trecând de la hârtie la digital și de la un model centralizat la o rețea distribuită. Acest ghid își propune să informeze comunitatea AGRIS cu privire la ultimele evoluții tehnice, standarde recomandate și diverse modalități de a interacționa cu AGRIS. -
Book (stand-alone)Information technologies and standards for agricultural information resources management: AGRIS Application Profile, AGROVOC and LISAGR 2007
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No results found.The new AGRIS initiative, which was launched at the Expert Consultation in October 2005, has defined three main areas of intervention to improve international information systems in agricultural science and technology: Advocacy, Capacity Building and Content Management. Content management, the management of agricultural science and technology information, has various needs: standards and methodologies for interoperability and facilitation of knowledge exchange; tools to enable information mana gement specialists to process data; information and knowledge. This paper describes some of the efforts which have been made in this area over recent years. -
DocumentScielo articles available to the agricultural community using OAI-PMH in AGRIS AP XML Format 2008
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No results found.This article reports a new way of getting access to SciELO full text journal articles using AGRIS AP XML format to harvest SciELO metadata and to include them into the AGRIS repository. It covers the following main steps of the work carried out: • Selecting about 43 journals with agricultural thematic from the Web site of SciELO; • Defining the methodology for harvesting; • Harvesting legacy data and then doing incremental harvesting for the new data from the selected SciELO journal articles for inclusion in the AGRIS XML repository; • Inclusion of SciELO articles and open access to them through the AGRIS search portal at • Testing and proposals for improvement and future use of this feature. We share the methodology used, problems encountered, and the expected benefit. This work proves that semantically rich metadata for agricultural science and research publications based on the “AGRIS Applic ation Profile” from the SciELO repository can be handled by the OAI-PMH protocol. It shows how the selected subset of metadata created with an ISIS application can be harvested through OAI-PMH protocol, which in turn allows for further creation of additional services by giving greater access and visibility to SciELO data in the new AGRIS AP format compared to the used DC format. The strategy that we adopted was to adapt BIREME’s OAI-PMH plug-in for direct generating of AGRIS AP XML fro m the SciELO application. The existing BIREME OAI-PMH plug-in interface was upgraded to accept and expose metadata using AGRIS AP in addition to the existing DC schema. This approach was elegant but required more time for realization and implementation by BIREME and FAO staff.
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